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Tomcat 服务器 webapps

[英]Tomcat server webapps

i Install tomcat 9.0. i 安装 tomcat 9.0。 when i run localhost:8080 it is working fine.当我运行 localhost:8080 时,它工作正常。 Under webapps folder i made Beer-V1 folder and made form.html file.在 webapps 文件夹下,我创建了 Beer-V1 文件夹并创建了 form.html 文件。 when i try to acess the form.html file in browser it shows 404 error.当我尝试在浏览器中访问 form.html 文件时,它显示 404 错误。 Help me plz how can i access the form.html file??请帮助我如何访问 form.html 文件? (localhost:8080/Beer-V1/form) (本地主机:8080/Beer-V1/form)

Type Status Report

Message The requested resource [/Beer-V1/form] is not available

Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

The URL which you are hitting is incorrect, you are missing adding .html with a filename like in your case "form.html".您点击的 URL 不正确,您没有添加.html文件名,例如“form.html”。

it should be localhost:8080/BeerV1/form.html .它应该是localhost:8080/BeerV1/form.html

Also, you can refer here for basic tomcat deployment.此外,您可以参考此处了解基本的 tomcat 部署。

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