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[英]Python: Overriding method in child class skipping one of the Base Class

I have two base classes A and B each of them have a method myfunc , which prints out a different character.我有两个基类AB每个基类都有一个方法myfunc ,它打印出不同的字符。

class A:
    def myfunc(self):

class B:
    def myfunc(self):

I have one more class C which is inheriting from A and B both.我还有一个class C ,它继承自AB In class C I have overridden myfunc and called super over it.class C我覆盖了myfunc并对其调用了super

class C(B, A):
    def myfunc(self):

Now if I execute following code, it prints only one character现在,如果我执行以下代码,它只会打印一个字符

x = C()



I tried print(C.__mro__) which gives me (<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>) So it should go to class A and print character A also.我试过print(C.__mro__)这给了我(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)所以它应该去到class A并打印字符A right?对?

Also if I switch the order of inheritance like C(A,B) it and use the same code , it is skipping class B .此外,如果我像C(A,B)那样切换继承顺序并使用相同的代码,它会跳过class B

My questions:我的问题:

  1. Why it's skipping class A ?为什么要跳过class A
  2. How to execute myfunc method in both classes A and B如何在A类和B类中执行myfunc方法

I looked up similar discussion but found it confusing.我查找了类似的讨论,但发现它令人困惑。

Answering question 1:回答问题1:

It is skipping myFunc on class A because what python does when you call super.myFunc() is search for the first function with name myFunc in all the base classes (in this case B and A ) and it does that in order, so it first look for myFunc in class B .它跳过类 A 上的myFunc因为当您调用super.myFunc()时,python 所做的是在所有基类(在本例中为BA )中搜索名称为myFunc的第一个函数,并按顺序执行此操作,因此它首先在B类中查找myFunc So, because there is a function named myFunc in class B python stop searching and executes only that.因此,因为B类中有一个名为myFunc的函数,所以 python 停止搜索并仅执行该函数。

Answering question 2:回答问题2:

There is a trivial way of doing that which is this:有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点:

class A:
    def f(self):

class B:
    def f(self):

class C(B, A):
    def f(self):

c = C()

Basically you can call any function of any class and then pass the instance as the first argument ( self ).基本上你可以调用任何类的任何函数,然后将实例作为第一个参数( self )传递。 I believe you can't execute both functions with only one call, you will need to make a call for each one.我相信你不能只用一个调用来执行这两个函数,你需要为每个函数调用一个。

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