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Elasticsearch 维护了多少个 Lucene 实例?

[英]How many Lucene Instances are maintained by Elasticsearch?

I know that Elasticsearch creates a number N of shards per index and that every shard is it's own Lucene index.我知道 Elasticsearch 为每个索引创建了N分片,并且每个分片都是它自己的 Lucene 索引。 But how many real instances of Lucene are started and maintained by Elasticsearch?但是有多少真实的 Lucene 实例是由 Elasticsearch 启动和维护的呢?

Is it one Lucene instance per node which would mean that this instance handles N * number_of_indices Lucene indices per node?是否每个节点有一个 Lucene 实例,这意味着该实例处理每个节点的N * number_of_indices Lucene 索引?

Every open shard is an Lucene instance.每个打开的分片都是一个 Lucene 实例。 All primary and replica shards are individual Lucene instances managed by elaticsearch.所有主分片和副本分片都是由 Elaticsearch 管理的独立 Lucene 实例。 The number of Lucene instances in the cluster is the total number of primary and replica shards of open indices being held by all member nodes.集群中 Lucene 实例的数量是所有成员节点持有的开放索引的主分片和副本分片的总数。

Frozen indices are being lazy loaded, so the Lucene instance is only loaded when you query an frozen index and disposed again after the access.冻结索引被延迟加载,因此 Lucene 实例仅在您查询冻结索引时加载并在访问后再次处理。

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