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如何在 NodeJS 中使用 fetch 获取 API 数据

[英]How to get API data using fetch in NodeJS

I have this api which is returning arrays of values:我有这个返回值数组的api:

app.get("/events", (req, res) => {
  let response = null;
  let authObj = auth.authorize();

  setTimeout(() => {
    let result = controller.listEvents(authObj);

    result.then((data) => {
      response = data;
      res.json(response); // is this way of passing this data object to front-end right ???
  }, 2000);

the result of console.log(data) above looks like below:上面console.log(data)的结果如下所示:

    kind: 'calendar#event',
    etag: '"3203302285276000"',
    id: '69jte9qmoij84irjf2ktlqlqcd',
    status: 'confirmed',
    htmlLink: 'https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=NjlqdGU5cW1vaWo4NGlyamYya3RscWxxY2QgYmFudWthamFuYW5hdGhqYXlhcmF0aG5hQG0',
    created: '2020-10-02T15:05:42.000Z',
    updated: '2020-10-02T15:05:42.638Z',
    summary: 'What’s New in Lens 3.6.0',
    kind: 'calendar#event',
    etag: '"3200206562152000"',
    id: '_6l6jehjbbtol8him9194uqr88907cjaoct3japrle5a3ii9o6ds62t3kcln68pb5',
    status: 'confirmed',
    htmlLink: 'https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=XzZsNmplaGpiYnRvbDhoaW05MTk0dXFyODg5MDdjamFvY3QzamFwcmxlNWEzaWk5bzZkczYydDNrY2xuNjhwYjUgYmFudWthamFuYW5hdGhqYXlhcmF0aG5hQG0',
    created: '2020-09-14T17:07:55.000Z',
    updated: '2020-09-14T17:08:01.076Z',
    summary: 'Ansible Contributor Summit - New Contributor Workshops',

And I want to pass this data to my front-end and iterate over it to display the summary , status .我想将此data传递给我的前端并对其进行迭代以显示summarystatus

Here's how I get this value to my front-end:以下是我如何将这个值传递给我的前端:

 const [data, setData] = useState([]);
 useEffect(() => {
    fetch("/events").then((res) => {

But when I try to print data it gives undefined但是当我尝试打印data它给出了undefined

Can someone please help me?有人可以帮帮我吗?


The parameter is a Response.该参数是一个响应。 It is not the result of the request, it only contains the headers.它不是请求的结果,它只包含标头。 You need你需要

 const [data, setData] = useState([]);
 useEffect(() => {
    fetch("/events").then(res => res.json()).then((res) => {
  }, []);

Remember the empty dependency array.记住空的依赖数组。 You don't want to fetch every time the component renders, only once.您不想在组件呈现时每次都获取一次,而只获取一次。

The result doesn't have a data property, it's just an array.结果没有数据属性,它只是一个数组。 So use setData(res);所以使用setData(res); , not setData(res.data); , 不是setData(res.data);

Give this a shot, because you are expecting json试一试,因为你期待 json

const [data, setData] = useState([]);
 useEffect(() => {
    fetch("/events").then((res) => {  
    return res.json()
    }).then((responseJson) => {

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