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“[TestNG] 未找到测试。未运行任何内容”消息

[英]"[TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was run" message

Last week I was running this script and it was running fine.上周我正在运行这个脚本,它运行良好。


After a week when I again ran it, it throws [TestNG] No tests found .一周后,当我再次运行它时,它抛出[TestNG] No tests found

Nothing was run as in the picture below没有像下图那样运行


So why is this happening?那么为什么会发生这种情况呢? Any Solution for solving this problem?解决此问题的任何解决方案?

在它运行之后,我必须将 TestNG 版本降级到 6.10。

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