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Teams 中自定义选项卡的设置

[英]Settings for Custom Tab in Teams

If you go into amend Settings for a custom tab that you have created before, is there anyway to get the existing websiteUrl and contentUrl values in your configuration page?如果您修改之前创建的自定义选项卡的设置,是否可以在配置页面中获取现有的 websiteUrl 和 contentUrl 值?

The microsoftTeams.getContext method doesn't seem to make these Urls available (like it does entityId). microsoftTeams.getContext 方法似乎没有使这些 Urls 可用(就像 entityId 一样)。


I think you'll need to persist this your side (eg in a database), and re-query them from your settings page.我认为您需要坚持这一点(例如在数据库中),并从您的设置页面重新查询它们。 This is exactly why the "save" button won't become enabled until you're ready for it (by calling microsoftTeams.settings.setValidityState ) - it's for your code to do whatever it needs before allowing the user to actually save any changes.这正是“保存”按钮在您准备好之前不会启用的原因(通过调用microsoftTeams.settings.setValidityState ) - 在允许用户实际保存任何更改之前,您的代码可以执行所需的任何操作。

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