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[英]How to properly join these four tables in SQL?

I'm currently creating a small application, where users can subscribe to different channels to see the corresponding posts.我目前正在创建一个小应用程序,用户可以在其中订阅不同的频道以查看相应的帖子。

My database looks like this (simplified):我的数据库看起来像这样(简化): 在此处输入图片说明

Now I'm trying to get all the information out of the post table (all columns), for all the posts that are connected to any channel a specific user may have subscribed.现在,我正在尝试从帖子表(所有列)中获取所有信息,这些信息针对与特定用户可能订阅的任何频道相关的所有帖子。

Example: A user (id_user = 0) has subsribed to three channels (id_channel = 1, 2 and 3) and now wants to see all posts in these channels (each post where fk_channel = 1 or 2 or 3).示例:用户 (id_user = 0) 订阅了三个频道(id_channel = 1、2 和 3),现在想要查看这些频道中的所有帖子(每个帖子的 fk_channel = 1 或 2 或 3)。

I tried many variations using different joins, however I couldn't manage to find the correct query.我使用不同的连接尝试了许多变体,但是我无法找到正确的查询。 One of my last attempts looked something like this (which does not work...):我最后一次尝试看起来像这样(这不起作用......):

INNER JOIN channels ON posts.fk_channel = channels.id_channel
INNER JOIN subscriptions ON channels.id_channel = subscriptions.fk_subcribed_channel
INNER JOIN users ON subscriptions.fk_subscibed_by = users.id_user

If you have the user's id then there is no need to join the table users , because you can use the column fk_subscibed_by of subscriptions :如果您有用户的 id,则无需加入表users ,因为您可以使用subscriptions fk_subscibed_by列:

FROM subscriptions s
INNER JOIN channels c ON c.id_channel = s.fk_subcribed_channel
INNER JOIN posts p ON p.fk_channel = c.id_channel
WHERE s.fk_subscibed_by = 0

If you want to get all the columns of the joined tables, use SELECT * instead of SELECT p.* which returns only the columns from posts .如果要获取连接表的所有列,请使用SELECT *而不是SELECT p.* ,后者仅返回来自posts的列。

If your rappresentation is right this should work properly:如果您的 rappresentation 是正确的,这应该可以正常工作:

LEFT OUTER JOIN channel ON posts.fk_channel = channel.id_channel
LEFT OUTER subscriptions ON channel.id_channel = subscriptions.fk_subcribed_channel
LEFT OUTER users ON subscriptions.fk_subscibed_by = users.id_user

Like this you should be able to get each post from each channel the user is subscribed.像这样,您应该能够从用户订阅的每个频道中获取每个帖子。

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