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如何对集合进行排序<string>在 Dart/Flutter 中按字母顺序排列?</string>

[英]How to sort a Set<String> alphabetically in Dart/Flutter?

I know there is the List<string> , but I need to use a Set<string> .我知道有List<string> ,但我需要使用Set<string> Is there a way to to sort it alphabetically?有没有办法按字母顺序排序?

Set reasons = {

Use a SplayTreeSet instead:使用SplayTreeSet代替:

import 'dart:collection';


final sortedSet = SplayTreeSet.from(
  {'Peter', 'John', 'James', 'Luke'},
  // Comparison function not necessary here, but shown for demonstrative purposes 
  (a, b) => a.compareTo(b), 

// Prints: {James, John, Luke, Peter}

As jamesdlin points out, the comparison function is not necessary if the type implements Comparable .正如 jamesdlin 指出的那样,如果类型实现Comparable则不需要比较函数。

You can convert a set to a list and call the sort method.您可以将集合转换为列表并调用 sort 方法。 Then you can convert that list to a set again.然后您可以再次将该列表转换为集合。 You can also create a handy extension method on Set that does the same thing.你也可以在 Set 上创建一个方便的扩展方法来做同样的事情。

Set reasons = {
final reasonsList = reasons.toList();
void main() {
  Set names = {'Seth', 'Kathy', 'Lars', 'Katie', 'Sharon'};
  List newlist = names.toList();
  Set newset = newlist.toSet();

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