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从 jquery 提交时,引导程序表单验证不起作用

[英]bootstrap form validation don't work when submit from jquery

I have this api that call some ajax and run asynchronous and i can't submit the form until she gives me an response.我有这个调用一些ajax并异步运行的api,在她给我回复之前我无法提交表单。 So what i did was submit by jquery event just when this api gives me a response.所以我所做的就是在这个 api 给我一个响应时通过 jquery 事件提交。

    function getCardToken(card_num, cvv, month_exp, year_exp){
        cardNumber: card_num, // Número do cartão de crédito
        brand: brand, // Bandeira do cartão
        cvv: cvv, // CVV do cartão
        expirationMonth: month_exp, // Mês da expiração do cartão
        expirationYear: year_exp, // Ano da expiração do cartão, é necessário os 4 dígitos.
        success: function(response) {
            var names_id = new Array("number", "cvv", "expiration");
            for (var i = 0; i < names_id.length; i++){
        error: function(response) {
            var names_id = new Array("number", "cvv", "expiration");
            for (var i = 0; i < names_id.length; i++){
            // $("form").submit();

This is the api code.这是api代码。 When i get a response i submit the form, the thing is that i am using bootstrap validation, and isn't working anymore, it don't call the validation.当我收到回复时,我提交了表单,问题是我正在使用引导程序验证,并且不再工作,它不会调用验证。

    (function () {
  'use strict'
  window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    // Fetch all the forms we want to apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to
    var forms = document.getElementsByClassName('needs-validation')
    // Loop over them and prevent submission
    Array.prototype.filter.call(forms, function (form) {
      form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {

        var cpf_invalid = document.getElementById("cpf").classList.contains("is-invalid");
        var cep_invalid = document.getElementById("cep").classList.contains("is-invalid")

        if (form.checkValidity() === false | cpf_invalid | cep_invalid) {

        else if($("#card-token").val() === "" | $("#sender-hash") === ""){
      }, false)

  }, false)

So, this is the validation code.所以,这是验证码。 As i said when i submit by jquery it calls this validation, but it simply don't get there.正如我所说,当我通过 jquery 提交时,它会调用此验证,但它根本无法到达那里。

There is a way to fix this?有办法解决这个问题吗? I also tried to use the submit event of the jquery:我也尝试使用jquery的提交事件:

$(document).ready(function() {

    var cpf_invalid = document.getElementById("cpf").classList.contains("is-invalid");
    var cep_invalid = document.getElementById("cep").classList.contains("is-invalid")
    if ($(this).checkValidity() === false | cpf_invalid | cep_invalid) {

    else if($("#card-token").val() === "" | $("#sender-hash") === ""){

But the $(this).checkValidity() also don't work and don't stop the submit.但是$(this).checkValidity()也不起作用并且不会停止提交。

Obs: The submission button it's calling the function that call the api. Obs:提交按钮它正在调用调用api的函数。

I get it, i used the jquery method, but instead of use $(this) , i used form = $(this)[0] and then just replaced the values on the code.我明白了,我使用了 jquery 方法,但我没有使用$(this) ,而是使用$(this) form = $(this)[0] ,然后只是替换了代码中的值。

Link where I found the answer: Bootstrap 4 Form Validation - Custom styling not working after checkValidity() call我找到答案的链接: Bootstrap 4 表单验证 - 在 checkValidity() 调用后自定义样式不起作用

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