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底部边距不起作用。 MFC项目

[英]Bottom margins doesn't work. Project in MFC

I am working with C++ MFC framework for WindowsCE 2013 My purpose is prepare the correct form of printing.我正在使用 WindowsCE 2013 的 C++ MFC 框架我的目的是准备正确的打印形式。 I initialized PAGESETUPDLG structure and initialized it with the following values Unfortunatelly psd.rtMinMargin.bottom = 500;我初始化PAGESETUPDLG结构并使用以下值初始化它不幸的是psd.rtMinMargin.bottom = 500; which should have value like 0,5 inch doesn't work.应该有像 0.5 英寸这样的值是行不通的。 Regardless of the value set on the printout, it is always 1 inch.无论打印输出上设置的值如何,它始终为 1 英寸。 I cannot explain what is the reason for this.我无法解释这是什么原因。

BOOL Druk::Configuration()
    TCHAR DriverName[256];
    TCHAR DeviceName[256];
    TCHAR OutputName[256];
    ZeroMemory(&psd, sizeof(psd));
    psd.lStructSize = sizeof(psd); // psd is member of PAGESETUPDLG structure
    //psd.hwndOwner = hWnd;
    psd.hDevMode = NULL; // Don't forget to free or store hDevMode.
    psd.hDevNames = NULL; // Don't forget to free or store hDevNames.
    psd.rtMargin.top = 100;
    psd.rtMargin.left = 100;
    psd.rtMargin.right = 100;
    psd.rtMargin.bottom = 500; 
    psd.rtMinMargin.bottom = 500;
    lf_vertic.lfHeight = 30; // is member of LOGFONT structure
    lf_vertic.lfWidth = 0;
    //lf.lfOrientation = 2700;
    lf_vertic.lfEscapement = 0;
    lf_vertic.lfUnderline = FALSE;
    lf_vertic.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
    lf_horizont.lfHeight = 30;
    lf_horizont.lfWidth = 0;
    //lf.lfOrientation = 2700;
    lf_horizont.lfEscapement = 2700;
    lf_horizont.lfUnderline = FALSE;
    lf_horizont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
    hFontVertic = CreateFontIndirect(&lf_vertic);
    hFontHorizont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf_horizont);
    DWORD error;
    if (PageSetupDlg(&psd) == TRUE)
        memcpy(&dm, (DEVMODE *)(psd.hDevMode), sizeof(DEVMODE));
        lstrcpy(DriverName, ((TCHAR *)((BYTE *)psd.hDevNames + ((DEVNAMES *)psd.hDevNames)->wDriverOffset)));
        lstrcpy(DeviceName, ((TCHAR *)((BYTE *)psd.hDevNames + ((DEVNAMES *)psd.hDevNames)->wDeviceOffset)));
        lstrcpy(OutputName, ((TCHAR *)((BYTE *)psd.hDevNames + ((DEVNAMES *)psd.hDevNames)->wOutputOffset)));
        //hDC = CreateDC(DriverName, DeviceName, OutputName, &dm); // Wersja dla WinAPI do usunięcia w wersji finalnej
        hDC.CreateDC(DriverName, DeviceName, OutputName, NULL);
    error = CommDlgExtendedError();
    return TRUE;

According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/commdlg/ns-commdlg-pagesetupdlga根据https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/commdlg/ns-commdlg-pagesetupdlga


Type: RECT类型: RECT

The minimum allowable widths for the left, top, right, and bottom margins.左、上、右和下边距的最小允许宽度。 The system ignores this member if the PSD_MINMARGINS flag is not set.如果未设置PSD_MINMARGINS标志,系统将忽略此成员。

And you do not have that PSD_MINMARGINS flag set而且您没有设置PSD_MINMARGINS标志

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