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handle_event 不适用于 Phoenix LiveView 示例

[英]handle_event not working for Phoenix LiveView example

https://github.com/katpavan/liveview-testapp/blob/master/lib/liveviewapp_web/live/foo_live.ex https://github.com/katpavan/liveview-testapp/blob/master/lib/liveviewapp_web/live/foo_live.ex

foo_live.ex : foo_live.ex :

defmodule LiveviewappWeb.FooLive do
  use LiveviewappWeb, :live_view
  require Logger

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, msg: "this is a message", results: %{})}

  def render(assigns) do
    <div phx-keydown="keydown" phx-target="window">
    <%= @msg %>

  def handle_event("keydown", %{"key" => key}, socket) do
    Logger.debug "Var value: #{inspect(key)}"
    {:noreply, assign(socket, msg: key)}

this is what I see when I goto the page.这是我进入页面时看到的。 But when I click on the text in the div and type, the handle_event doesn't fire.但是当我点击 div 中的文本并输入时,handle_event 不会触发。


There are few ways to achieve this:有几种方法可以实现这一点:

  1. Setting tabview=0 to div, refer to this answer for more details:tabview=0设置为 div,更多细节参考这个答案:

    <div id="test" phx-keydown="keydown" tabindex="0"> <div id="test" phx-keydown="keydown" tabindex="0">

  2. Using phx-window-keydown , however this will make the handle global:使用phx-window-keydown ,但这将使句柄全局化:

    <div id="test" phx-window-keydown="keydown"> <div id="test" phx-window-keydown="keydown">

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