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AWS Amplify with GraphQL - 定义不同类型用户的身份验证规则

[英]AWS Amplify with GraphQL - Defining authentication rules by different types of users

Using Amplify, GraphQL, AppSync, Cognito, DynamoDB使用 Amplify、GraphQL、AppSync、Cognito、DynamoDB

Having the following model:具有以下model:

type Post
  id: ID!
  content: String!
  author: String!

I want my rules to enable the following case:我希望我的规则启用以下情况:

  1. Only Admin users can create, update and delete Post只有管理员用户可以创建、更新和删除帖子
  2. Some Posts where only premium users allow to read一些只有高级用户才允许阅读的帖子
  3. Some Posts where all logged in users allow to read一些所有登录用户都允许阅读的帖子
  4. Some Posts where all users (also unauthenticated) allow to read所有用户(也未经身份验证)允许阅读的一些帖子

What is the best way to implement it using the mentioned tools?使用上述工具实现它的最佳方法是什么?


From your question, it is not clear how you define "Some Posts" and how you would differentiate one from another.从你的问题来看,不清楚你如何定义“一些帖子”以及你如何将一个帖子与另一个帖子区分开来。 If I was designing this, I would have at least one more field in my Post type to manage the access level (For example: 3 (Admin) > 2 (Premium) > 1 (Logged-in) > 0 (Unregistered)), like so;如果我正在设计这个,我将在我的Post类型中至少有一个字段来管理访问级别(例如:3(管理员)> 2(高级)> 1(登录)> 0(未注册)),像这样;

type Post
  id: ID!
  content: String!
  author: String!
  accessLevel: Int!

To manage this on user level, I think your best bet is to manage it using Cognito groups (like mentioned in the official documentation ) and assign appropriate permission for each group.要在用户级别进行管理,我认为最好的办法是使用 Cognito 组(如官方文档中所述)进行管理,并为每个组分配适当的权限。

Things you would need in Cognito:在 Cognito 中你需要的东西:

  1. A user pool which will contain all of your registered users.一个包含所有注册用户的用户

  2. A user group for premium members.高级会员的用户

  3. A user group for your admins.您的管理员的用户

Things you would need in your AppSync:您在 AppSync 中需要的东西:

  1. For Admin users to create, update and delete Post:管理员用户创建、更新和删除帖子:

     type Mutation { createPost(id:ID,: content,String:: author:String:),Post: @aws_auth(cognito_groups, ["Admin"]) updatePost(id:ID:: content:String,: author,String:):Post: @aws_auth(cognito_groups: ["Admin"]) deletePost(id:ID!, content:String!, author:String!):Post! @aws_auth(cognito_groups: ["Admin"]) }
  2. For some posts only visible to premium , logged-in or unregistered users to read:对于一些只对premium登录或未注册用户可见的帖子:

     type Query { getPost(id:ID:):Post! @aws_api_key @aws_cognito_user_pools }

    Furthermore, you can use the accessLevel in your resolver to filter out the result based on which post you want to be visible to premium, logged-in or unregistered users.此外,您可以使用解析器中的accessLevel根据您希望高级用户、登录用户或未注册用户看到的帖子来过滤结果。

I used @Myz answers.我使用了@Myz 的答案。 And https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mobile/graphql-security-appsync-amplify/ for full solution:https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mobile/graphql-security-appsync-amplify/完整的解决方案:

  type Post
    rules: [
      { allow: owner }
      { allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [create, update, delete] }
      { allow: groups, groupsField: "group", operations: [read] }
  ) {
  id: ID!
  content: String!
  author: String!
  group: [String] # or String for a single group

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