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如何从 SQL Server 存储过程调用嵌套的 json 到 C# 中的 API 调用

[英]How to call nested json from SQL Server stored procedure to API call in C#

In my stored procedure, I am getting the right nested json, but when I call the api from Postman, the result is returned with slashes as shown below.在我的存储过程中,我得到了正确的嵌套 json,但是当我从 Postman 调用 api 时,结果以斜杠返回,如下所示。 How to remove these backslashes from my result?如何从我的结果中删除这些反斜杠? Is this approach correct, or should I go for some different approach?这种方法是否正确,还是我应该采用不同的方法?

The procedure is below程序如下

ALTER PROCEDIRE [dbo].[USP_MobileApp_MenuList]              
        MMM.userid AS userid,  
        MMM.type AS type,  
        MMM.pid AS pid,  
        mmm.pname AS pname,  
        mmm.url AS url,  
        Smenu = (SELECT  
                     MMS.sid AS sid,  
                     MMS.sname AS sname,  
                     MMS.icon AS icon,  
                     MMS.url AS url  
                 FROM M_MobileApp_SubMenu MMS 
                 WHERE MMS.pid = MMM.pid  
                 FOR JSON PATH)  
        M_MobileApp_Menu MMM) A  

The web Api call code is Web Api 调用代码是

public HttpResponseMessage GetMobileMenuliste(HttpRequestMessage objrequest)
        DBdata objLogin = new DBdata();
        HttpResponseMessage respone = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, objLogin.GetMobileMenulist());
        return respone;

public object GetMobileMenulist()
        DataTable objData = new DataTable();

        Query = "USP_MobileApp_MenuList";

            using (ObjSqlConnection = new SqlConnection(MDMSConnectionString))
                using (ObjSqlCommand = new SqlCommand(Query, ObjSqlConnection))
                    ObjSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
                        sda.SelectCommand = ObjSqlCommand;

                        //for (int i = 0; i <= objData.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                        //    objData.Rows[i][1] = objData.Rows[i][1].ToString().Replace(@"\", "");


            return objData;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log = new Logger();
            Log.writeErrorLog(ex, 0, ex.Message);
            if (ObjSqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
        return objData;

The result I am getting in Postman:我在邮递员中得到的结果:


    "userid": 1,
    "type": "APP       ",
    "PID": 2,
    "PNAME": "Consumtion Log",
    "URL": "/ConsumtionLog",
    "smenu": "[{\"sid\":1,\"sname\":\"Comparison\",\"icon\":\"fa fa-shower\",\"url\":\"/ConsumtionLog/Comparison\"},{\"sid\":2,\"sname\":\"History\",\"url\":\"/ConsumtionLog/History\"}]"
    "userid": 1,
    "type": "APP       ",
    "PID": 3,
    "PNAME": "Billing",
    "URL": "/Billing",
    "smenu": "[{\"sid\":3,\"sname\":\"Pay my bill\",\"url\":\"/ Billing/Paymybill\"},{\"sid\":4,\"sname\":\"Billing History\",\"url\":\"/Billing/BillingHistory\"}]"

The SQL Server has no native JSON type (or BJSON) and store the JSON as string. SQL Server 没有本机 JSON 类型(或 BJSON)并将 JSON 存储为字符串。 After read, just convert it to JSON:阅读后,只需将其转换为JSON:

let x = "[{\"sid\":1,\"sname\":\"Comparison\",\"icon\":\"fa fa-shower\",\"url\":\"/ConsumtionLog/Comparison\"},{\"sid\":2,\"sname\":\"History\",\"url\":\"/ConsumtionLog/History\"}]"

let y = JSON.parse(x)

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