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[英]Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

Have an array called categoryImages that I'm trying to pass into a function, and get the following error:有一个名为 categoryImages 的数组,我试图将它传递给一个函数,并得到以下错误:

"Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'". “'string[]' 类型的参数不能分配给 'string' 类型的参数”。

const getLink = (
    groupCode: string,
    groupDisplayName: string,
    groupCount?: number,
    groupImage?: string

const categoryImages = [

} else if (Constants.isEnvironmentBFE) {
          const newLink = getLink(
            // Grabbing API values
            // Load in local images
            categoryImages // <-- throws error here

I basically want to output this array of images, into the DOM.我基本上想将这个图像数组输出到 DOM 中。

You've said that the “getLink” function takes an argument “groupImage” which is a single image, But when you call the function you are giving it an array of images “categoryImages”.你已经说过“getLink”函数接受一个参数“groupImage”,它是一个单一的图像,但是当你调用这个函数时,你给它一个图像数组“categoryImages”。

You can:你可以:

  • call “getLink” with categoryImages[0] instead of the whole array.使用 categoryImages[0] 而不是整个数组调用“getLink”。 Since the image is optional this will be ok even if the array is empty.由于图像是可选的,即使数组为空也可以。
  • loop through the array and call “getLink” separately for each element遍历数组并为每个元素分别调用“getLink”
  • refactor “getLink” to accept an array of images重构“getLink”以接受图像数组


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