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iOS 说 BLE 特性没有通知

[英]iOS says BLE Characteristic is not notifying

I am using an Adafruit Feather BLE module to tinker with.我正在使用 Adafruit Feather BLE 模块进行修补。

Along with it comes the AT Command set which I am using to create a custom Service and a Characteristic with it.随之而来的是我用来创建自定义服务和特征的 AT 命令集。 I am using it the notify option.我正在使用它的通知选项。 The iOS side code says the Characteristic is not notifying. iOS 端代码说特性没有通知。 I did some googling and some people said a descriptor is needed for a Characteristic to be notifying.我做了一些谷歌搜索,有些人说需要一个描述符才能通知特征。 So I added one, but still no success.所以我加了一个,但仍然没有成功。

Here is the Adafruit side of the code --这是代码的 Adafruit 方面——

AT+GATTADDSERVICE=UUID128= 3d-e8-3e-34-dc-98-43-d0-87-de-3d-97-73-8b-ba-b6

I see in the Serial Monitor that its successful.我在串行监视器中看到它成功了。 After this I am writing to the BLE module every few milliseconds.在此之后,我每隔几毫秒写入一次 BLE 模块。

On the iOS side, here is the log I get --在 iOS 方面,这是我得到的日志——

Characteristics: [<CBCharacteristic: 0x2817a4180, UUID = ABCD, properties = 0x10, value = (null), notifying = NO>] 

I am using standard code that comes with the examples.我正在使用示例附带的标准代码。 Is the property value I am using not the correct one?我使用的属性值不正确吗? The Adafruit documentation says 0x10 is to make it notifying. Adafruit 文档说 0x10 是为了让它通知。

notifying = no in the debug description indicates that you have not enabled notifications for this characteristic (ie its isNotifying property is false ).调试说明中的isNotifying = no表示您尚未为此特性启用通知(即其isNotifying属性为false )。 It doesn't mean that the characteristic doesn't support notifications.这并不意味着该特性不支持通知。

You need to call setNotifyValue(true, for: characteristic) to enable notifications.您需要调用setNotifyValue(true, for: characteristic)来启用通知。

You will then get a call to the didUpdateNotificationState delegate callback to tell you whether notifications were successfully enabled or not.然后,您将收到对didUpdateNotificationState委托回调的调用,以告诉您通知是否已成功启用。

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