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[英]Authentication for Spring Cloud Data Flow Server

I would like to add authentication to Spring Cloud Data Flow Server application.我想向 Spring 云数据流服务器应用程序添加身份验证。 I see articles regarding Cloud Foundry UAA with LDAP support.我看到有关支持 LDAP 的 Cloud Foundry UAA 的文章。 I tried the basic authentication snippet as well which is not working.我也尝试了基本的身份验证片段,但它不起作用。

I see lot of references to the link https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-samples/tree/master/security-ldap-uaa-example In that, the ldap server code is using Apache DSContainer which is deprecated and not working in my local.我看到很多对链接https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-samples/tree/master/security-ldap-uaa-example的引用,其中,886467366588 服务器代码使用 Apache DSContainer这已被弃用并且在我的本地不起作用。 Is there any other approach?还有其他方法吗? It's greatly appreciated if someone can provide a sample code for the same.如果有人可以提供相同的示例代码,我们将不胜感激。

That's an old sample and apache DS is there for just having easy way to get a demo running without a read ldap server.那是一个旧示例,而 apache DS 只是为了在没有读取 ldap 服务器的情况下轻松运行演示。 With UAA ldap is fully behind it to store users.有了 UAA ldap 就完全支持存储用户。

UAA is not a most easiest system to setup but what comes for a config that would work as a starting point to configure it with any ldap server. UAA 不是最容易设置的系统,而是一个配置,可以作为使用任何 ldap 服务器配置它的起点。

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