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[英]Fetching data from firebase based on foreign key

I am using firebase realtime DB and I would like to fetch data based on categoryId.我正在使用 firebase 实时数据库,我想根据 categoryId 获取数据。

Here's the Db structure.这是 Db 结构。


Here's the code:这是代码:

  Future<void> fetchAndSetProducts(String id) async { 
const url = 'https://random-9006.firebaseio.com/products.json';
try {
  final response = await http.get(url);
  final extractedData = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;

How to construct the URL in order to get the products per the categoryId passed?如何构造 URL 以获取每个传递的 categoryId 的产品?

You can use the following plugin to fetch data from firebase:您可以使用以下插件从 firebase 中获取数据:

Inside pubspec.yaml :pubspec.yaml内部:

  firebase_database: ^4.1.1
  firebase_core: ^0.5.0+1

in main() function initialize Firebase:main() function 中初始化 Firebase:

void main() async {
  await Firebase.initializeApp();

Then you can get the data using the following way:然后您可以使用以下方式获取数据:

Future<DataSnapshot> getData(String category){
 var dbRef = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference().child("products");
 return await dbRef.orderByChild("categoryId").equalTo(category).once();

You can then call this future method inside a FutureBuilder .然后,您可以在FutureBuilder中调用这个future方法。 For FutureBuilder check:对于FutureBuilder检查:

https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook.networking/fetch-data#5-display-the-data https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook.networking/fetch-data#5-display-the-data

https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/FutureBuilder-class.html https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/FutureBuilder-class.html

I figured it out.我想到了。

You make the URL data type final and the URL becomes:您将 URL 数据类型设为final类型,URL 变为:

 final url = 'https://mydburl.firebaseio.com/products.json?orderBy="categoryId"&equalTo="$id"';

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