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Python:在 Intellij 中导入 ADI

[英]Python: IMPORT ADI in Intellij

I bought a PlutoSDR and I am running Windows 10. I do not know how to import adi into my IDE in Windows. (Linux VM works)我买了一个 PlutoSDR,我正在运行 Windows 10。我不知道如何在 Windows 中将 adi 导入我的 IDE。(Linux VM 工作)

Non-essential background.非必要背景。 Can Skip to Bottom:可以跳到底部:

I also got output from C:\> iio_info -s我还从 C 得到了C:\> iio_info -s

C:\WINDOWS\system32>iio_info -s
Library version: 0.21 (git tag: 565bf68)
Compiled with backends: xml ip usb serial
Unable to create Local IIO context : Function not implemented
Available contexts:
0: 0456:b673 (Analog Devices Inc. PlutoSDR (ADALM-PLUTO)), serial=1044739659930006f4ff24003edc27135f [usb:3.9.5]

At this point, I do not know if the comment " Unable to create Local IIO contest: ... " is a problem, but I continued anyway.此时,我不知道评论“ Unable to create Local IIO contest: ... ”是否有问题,但我还是继续了。

I then ran the command: C:\> iio_info -u ip:然后我运行命令: C:\> iio_info -u ip:

Library version: 0.21 (git tag: 565bf68)
Compiled with backends: xml ip usb serial
IIO context created with network backend.
Backend version: 0.18 (git tag: v0.18 )
Backend description string: Linux (none) 4.14.0-42540-g387d584 #301 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jul 3 15:06:53 CEST 2019 armv7l
IIO context has 9 attributes:
hw_model: Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.B (Z7010-AD9364)
hw_model_variant: 0
hw_serial: 1044739659930006f4ff24003edc27135f
fw_version: v0.31
ad9361-phy,xo_correction: 39999954
ad9361-phy,model: ad9364
local,kernel: 4.14.0-42540-g387d584
uri: ip:
IIO context has 5 devices:
iio:device0: adm1177
2 channels found:
voltage0: (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 777
attr 1: scale value: 6.433105468
current0: (input)
2 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: raw value: 797
attr 1: scale value: 0.516601562
No trigger on this device
iio:device1: ad9361-phy
9 channels found:
altvoltage1: TX_LO (output)
8 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: external value: 0
attr 1: fastlock_load value: 0
attr 2: fastlock_recall ERROR: Invalid argument (-22)
attr 3: fastlock_save value: 0 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7
attr 4: fastlock_store value: 0
attr 5: frequency value: 2449999998
attr 6: frequency_available value: [46875001 1 6000000000]
attr 7: powerdown value: 0
voltage0: (input)
15 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: bb_dc_offset_tracking_en value: 1
attr 1: filter_fir_en value: 0
attr 2: gain_control_mode value: slow_attack
attr 3: gain_control_mode_available value: manual fast_attack slow_attack hybrid
attr 4: hardwaregain value: 71.000000 dB
attr 5: hardwaregain_available value: [-3 1 71]
attr 6: quadrature_tracking_en value: 1
attr 7: rf_bandwidth value: 18000000
attr 8: rf_bandwidth_available value: [200000 1 56000000]
attr 9: rf_dc_offset_tracking_en value: 1
attr 10: rf_port_select value: A_BALANCED
attr 11: rf_port_select_available value: A_BALANCED B_BALANCED C_BALANCED A_N A_P B_N B_P C_N C_P TX_MONITOR1 TX_MONITOR2 TX_MONITOR1_2
attr 12: rssi value: 114.25 dB
attr 13: sampling_frequency value: 30720000
attr 14: sampling_frequency_available value: [2083333 1 61440000]
voltage3: (output)
8 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: filter_fir_en value: 0
attr 1: raw value: 306
attr 2: rf_bandwidth value: 18000000
attr 3: rf_bandwidth_available value: [200000 1 40000000]
attr 4: rf_port_select_available value: A B
attr 5: sampling_frequency value: 30720000
attr 6: sampling_frequency_available value: [2083333 1 61440000]
attr 7: scale value: 1.000000
altvoltage0: RX_LO (output)
8 channel-specific attributes found:
attr 0: external value: 0   ............

There is a lot more output, but I will truncate it here.还有很多output,但我会在这里截断它。

At this point, I am assuming the Pluto will work on my Windows machine.此时,我假设 Pluto 可以在我的 Windows 机器上运行。

Essential Information:基本信息:

I then take to my IDE and import the libraries for matplotlib and numpy by using File > Project Structure > SDKs > Packages然后我转到我的 IDE 并使用文件 > 项目结构 > SDKs > 包导入matplotlibnumpy的库

I am able to find all the basic libraries, but not adi .我能够找到所有基本库,但找不到adi

I assume I have to import a repository, but unsure where to gather it.我假设我必须导入一个存储库,但不确定在哪里收集它。 I did, however, include https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio.git/ in my repo list.但是,我确实在我的回购列表中包含了 https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio.git/ I still had no luck importing adi.我仍然没有运气进口阿迪。

I currently have two questions:我目前有两个问题:

  1. Is there a repository I must add to be able to import this library to my IDE?是否有我必须添加的存储库才能将此库导入我的 IDE?
  2. Is " Unable to create Local IIO context: Function not implemented... " problematic? Unable to create Local IIO context: Function not implemented... ”是否有问题?

Any help is appreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。

After reinstalling the above drivers I was able to File > Project Structure > SDKs > Packages and install pyadi-iio重新安装上述驱动程序后,我能够 File > Project Structure > SDKs > Packages 并安装pyadi-iio

I can now import adi我现在可以import adi

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