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[英]Min/max values of a templated type

I have a rather basic question.我有一个相当基本的问题。 Suppose I have a templated function:假设我有一个模板化函数:

bool is_max(std::uint32_t val) {
  return (val == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());

However, to make my function flexible, I'd like to use templates:但是,为了使我的功能灵活,我想使用模板:

template <typename T>
bool is_max(T val) {
  return (val == ???);

The std::numeric_limits function would work with built-in types, but obviously doesn't work for user-defined types. std::numeric_limits 函数适用于内置类型,但显然不适用于用户定义的类型。

Is there some standard operator or function that the current built-in and most numeric types (I'm trying to use cnl::fixed_point ) that can be used here to find min/max value?当前的内置和大多数数字类型(我正在尝试使用cnl::fixed_point )是否有一些标准运算符或函数可以在此处用于查找最小值/最大值?

The way to handle this is to continue using std::numeric_limits , and add template specializations for all of the desired input types.处理这个问题的方法是继续使用std::numeric_limits ,并为所有所需的输入类型添加模板特化。

Quoting cppreference :引用cppreference

Implementations may provide specializations of std::numeric_limits for implementation-specific types: eg GCC provides std::numeric_limits<__int128> .实施方式可以提供的特化std::numeric_limits为实现特定的类型:例如GCC提供std::numeric_limits<__int128> Non-standard libraries may add specializations for library-provided types, eg OpenEXR provides std::numeric_limits<half> for a 16-bit floating-point type.非标准库可能会为库提供的类型添加特化,例如 OpenEXR 为 16 位浮点类型提供std::numeric_limits<half>

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