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C++ 如何实现可调整大小的堆栈数组?

[英]C++ how to implement a resizable stack array?

In one of my earlier lab exercises I implemented a simple stack program在我早期的实验室练习之一中,我实现了一个简单的堆栈程序

using namespace std;

int count = 0; //stores the indexed number
string myStack[20]; //stores the data from file
string fileName; 
fstream readFile;
string storeFile;  //stores the data as a string

//function declarations/prototypes
void push(string aString);
string top();
string pop();
bool isEmpty();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  fileName = "file.txt";
  readFile.open(fileName); //attempts to read the file

      while(readFile >> storeFile){
          if(readFile.bad()) {
              cerr << "File failed to read " << endl;
              break; //loop terminates
                } else {
                    push(storeFile); //pushes file to stack


    while(isEmpty() !=true) {  //while file is not emptpy return the top stack.

       cout << top() << endl;
    return 0;

void push(string value) {
  myStack[count] = value;

string pop() {
    if(count < 0) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        count--; //decrement count for stack
        return myStack[count]; //return top value

string top() {  //returns the current element at the top of the stack
return myStack[count];

bool isEmpty() { //checks whether or not the stack is empty
    if(count < 0) {
       return true;
    else return false;


I am now required to revisit this program, however, this time modify it so that If you attempt to push data onto a full stack you should create a new array of twice the current size, copy the data from the old stack to the new stack and then delete the old stack without using STL or classes.我现在需要重新访问这个程序,但是,这次修改它,以便如果您尝试将数据推送到完整堆栈上,您应该创建一个当前大小两倍的新数组,将数据从旧堆栈复制到新堆栈然后在不使用 STL 或类的情况下删除旧堆栈。 We are allowed to use dynamic memory我们可以使用动态内存

So if the input, for example, looked something like this with an array size of 2因此,例如,如果输入看起来像这样,数组大小为 2

  push 1 
  push 1 
  push 1 
  push 1 
  push 1 
  push 1 

Then the output would look like this然后输出看起来像这样

Stack doubled from 2 to 4.
Stack doubled from 4 to 8.
Stack contains 4 entries.

How would I implement this?我将如何实现这一点? Thankyou谢谢

Push attempt推送尝试

int dataCount = 0;     
const int SIZE = 5;
int capacity = 0;
int myStack[SIZE]; 

void push(int value)
   if(SIZE == capacity) {
   cout << "Doubling current size " << endl;
   capacity = capacity * 2;
   int* temp = new int[capacity];
   copy_n(myStack, SIZE, temp);
   std::swap(myStack, temp);
   delete[] temp;

    myStack[dataCount] = value;

What you are asking for requires the stack array to be allocated in dynamic memory, eg:您所要求的需要在动态内存中分配堆栈数组,例如:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int count = 0; //stores the indexed number
int capacity = 0; //stores the allocated size
string *myStack = NULL; //stores the data from file

//function declarations/prototypes
void push(const string &aString);
string top();
void pop();
bool isEmpty();
void cleanup();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string storeFile;  //stores the data as a string

    string fileName = "file.txt";
    ifstream readFile(fileName); //attempts to read the file

    while (readFile >> storeFile) {
        push(storeFile); //pushes file to stack

    if (readFile.bad()) {
        cerr << "File failed to read " << endl;


    while (!isEmpty()) { //while file is not empty return the top stack.
       cout << top() << endl;


    return 0;

void push(const string &value) {
    if (count == capacity) {
        int newCapacity = (capacity == 0) ? 20 : (capacity * 2);
        string *newStack = new string[newCapacity];
        for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            newStack[i] = myStack[i];
        delete[] myStack;
        myStack = newStack;
        capacity = newCapacity;
    myStack[count] = value;

string top() {
    if (count <= 0) {
        return string();
    return myStack[count-1]; //return top value

void pop() {
    if (count > 0) {
        --count; //decrement count for stack
        myStack[count] = "";

bool isEmpty() {
    return (count < 1);

void cleanup() {
    capacity = count = 0;
    delete[] myStack;
    myStack = NULL;

Create a class That has -Array start pointer -current size -the current position of the stack pointer创建一个具有 -Array 起始指针 - 当前大小 - 堆栈指针的当前位置的类

  • a method that inflate the array , delete the previous one and copy the data of the previous -have a method that push on the stack and one that pops on top of the stack一种膨胀数组,删除前一个并复制前一个数据的方法 - 有一个推入堆栈的方法和一个弹出堆栈顶部的方法

You can event handle shrinking the stack when pop is less than length of the stack /2当 pop 小于堆栈长度 /2 时,您可以事件处理缩小堆栈

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