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如何使用 VBA 从 XLS 创建操作过的 CSV 文件

[英]How to create a manipulated CSV file from XLS using VBA

I have an excel file that I need to convert into a CSV.我有一个需要转换为 CSV 的 excel 文件。 This part is fine, I wrote this code to do so:这部分很好,我写了这段代码来做到这一点:

Private Sub createCSV()
Dim path As String
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet

path = "\\networkshare\mydir"

For Each ws In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    ActiveSheet.Range("1:2").EntireRow.Delete       'Delete the first two rows
    ws.SaveAs path & ws.Name, xlCSV

End Sub


I need to only save specific columns to CSV in a certain order.我只需要按特定顺序将特定列保存到 CSV。

Column A,B of excel worksheet to Column D,E of CSV and Column C,D of worksheet as column A,B of CSV,etc excel工作表的A、B列到CSV的D、E列和工作表的C、D列作为CSV的A、B列等

Is there a way to do this?有没有办法做到这一点?

Try the next code, please (take care of the last "" in path string):请尝试下一个代码(注意路径字符串中的最后一个“”):

Private Sub createCSV()
 Dim ws As Worksheet, path As String, arr As Variant, lastRow As Long

 path = "\\networkshare\mydir\" 'take care of the last "\"!!!

 For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    ws.Range("1:2").EntireRow.Delete                   'Delete the first two rows
    lastRow = ws.Range("A" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row 'last row of the sheet
    arr = ws.Range("A1:D" & lastRow).Value             'put the range in an array
    'switch the array columns
    arr = Application.Index(arr, Evaluate("row(1:" & UBound(arr) & ")"), Array(3, 4, 1, 2))
    ws.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr 'drop the adapted array back in the sheet
    ws.SaveAs path & ws.Name & ".csv", xlCSV          'save the sheet as csv
End Sub

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