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如何使用带有死信原因和错误描述的 Rest Api 向 Azure 服务总线订阅死信发送消息?

[英]How to Send message to Azure Service Bus Subscription Deadletter using Rest Api with deadletter Reason and Error Description?

I can't find an example of how to send a message to a Azure Service Bus Subscription DeadLetter using rest api.我找不到有关如何使用 rest api 向 Azure 服务总线订阅 DeadLetter 发送消息的示例。 It appears that the suffix for the endpoint should be /Subscriptions//$deadletterqueue.端点的后缀似乎应该是 /Subscriptions//$deadletterqueue。 However, I can't find an example of how to pass the deadletterReason, and the deadLetterErrorDescription.但是,我找不到有关如何传递 deadletterReason 和 deadLetterErrorDescription 的示例。 Is it be as simple as passing those values as message headers?是否像将这些值作为消息标头传递一样简单?

Messages are not sent directly to the dead-letter queue by the client code (REST API or any other SDK).客户端代码(REST API 或任何其他 SDK)不会将消息直接发送到死信队列。 Instead, messages are dead-lettered by the broker when MaxDeliveryCount is exceeded and no more attempts to process the message can be made.相反,当消息是死字母由经纪人MaxDeliveryCount超出,并且可以由没有更多的尝试来处理消息。 That's when the broker will move the message to the dead-letter queue with the reason.这就是代理将消息移动到死信队列的原因。

Not that there are also less common reasons, such as the number of hops (forwarding), expired time-to-live, etc. MaxDeliveryCount is the most common scenario.并不是说也有不太常见的原因,例如跳数(转发)、过期的生存时间等。 MaxDeliveryCount是最常见的场景。

Microsoft documentation will help in addition to this post.除了这篇文章之外,Microsoft 文档也会有所帮助。

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