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如何使用 django 将 Markdown 文件渲染为 HTML?

[英]How to render markdown file to HTML using django?

I am trying to render a page that written in markdown to HTML when clicking a link using Django.当单击使用 Django 的链接时,我试图将用Markdown编写的页面呈现为 HTML。

but every time I click on the link the markdown page does not render will但每次我点击链接时,降价页面不会呈现

here's my views.py :这是我的views.py

from django.shortcuts import render

from . import util

def index(request):
    return render(request, "encyclopedia/index.html", {
        "entries": util.list_entries()

def search(request, name):
    return render(request, f"{ name }.md")

and here's the urls.py :这是urls.py

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path("", views.index, name="index"),
    path("<str:name>", views.search, name="search")

只需将 MARKDOWN 转换为您自己的 HTML,这是最简单的方法

I would suggest converting the file beforehand.我建议事先转换文件。 If you really need to do it at runtime, you can simply use a package to convert the file to HTML and then point to the rendered file.如果你真的需要在运行时做,你可以简单地使用一个包将文件转换为 HTML,然后指向渲染的文件。 Pypandoc can achieve this and probably many other python packages Pypandoc 可以实现这一点,可能还有许多其他 python 包

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