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如何处理 Jetpack Compose 中文本的可见性?

[英]How to handle visibility of a Text in Jetpack Compose?

I have this Text:我有这个文本:

    text = stringResource(id = R.string.hello)

How can I show and hide this component?如何显示和隐藏此组件?

I'm using Jetpack Compose version '1.0.0-alpha03'我正在使用 Jetpack Compose 版本“1.0.0-alpha03”

As CommonsWare stated, compose being a declarative toolkit you tie your component to a state (for ex: isVisible ), then compose will intelligently decide which composables depend on that state and recompose them.正如 CommonsWare 所说,compose 是一个声明性工具包,您将组件绑定到一个状态(例如: isVisible ),然后 compose 将智能地决定哪些可组合项依赖于该状态并重新组合它们。 For ex:例如:

fun MyText(isVisible: Boolean){
     Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.hello))

Also you could use the AnimatedVisibility() composable for animations.您也可以使用AnimatedVisibility()可组合的动画。

如上所述,您可以使用 AnimatedVisibility ,例如:

AnimatedVisibility(visible = yourCondition) { Text(text = getString(R.string.yourString)) }
 * @param visible if false content is invisible ie. space is still occupied
fun Visibility(
    visible: Boolean,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val contentSize = remember { mutableStateOf(IntSize.Zero) }

    Box(modifier = Modifier
        .onSizeChanged { size -> contentSize.value = size }) {
        if (visible || contentSize.value == IntSize.Zero) {
        } else {
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(contentSize.value.width.pxToDp(), contentSize.value.height.pxToDp()))

fun Int.pxToDp(): Dp {
    return (this / getSystem().displayMetrics.density).dp


Visibility(text.value.isNotEmpty()) {
        onClick = { text.value = "" },
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(bottom = 8.dp)
    ) {
        Icon(Icons.Filled.Close, contentDescription = "Clear text")

With 1.0.0 (tested with 1.0.0-rc02 ) you can simply add a condition like:使用1.0.0 (使用1.0.0-rc02测试)您可以简单地添加一个条件,如:


Something like:就像是:

var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Column() {
    Button(onClick = { visible = !visible }) { Text("Toggle") }

If you want to animate the appearance and disappearance of its content you can use the AnimatedVisibility如果要为其内容的外观和消失设置动画,可以使用AnimatedVisibility

var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Column() {
        visible = visible,
        enter = fadeIn(
            // Overwrites the initial value of alpha to 0.4f for fade in, 0 by default
            initialAlpha = 0.4f
        exit = fadeOut(
            // Overwrites the default animation with tween
            animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250)
    ) {
        // Content that needs to appear/disappear goes here:
    Button(onClick = { visible = !visible }) { Text("Toggle") }

I am using the following method: AnimatedVisibility https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/animation#animatedvisibility我使用以下方法: AnimatedVisibility https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/animation#animatedvisibility

 // Create a MutableTransitionState<Boolean> for the AnimatedVisibility.
                val state = remember {
                    MutableTransitionState(false).apply {
                        // Start the animation immediately.
                        targetState = true
                Column {
                    AnimatedVisibility(visibleState = state) {
                        Text(text = "Hello, world!")

                    // Use the MutableTransitionState to know the current animation state
                    // of the AnimatedVisibility.
                        text = when {
                            state.isIdle && state.currentState -> "Visible"
                            !state.isIdle && state.currentState -> "Disappearing"
                            state.isIdle && !state.currentState -> "Invisible"
                            else -> "Appearing"


It is also useful for observing the animation state.它对于观察动画状态也很有用。

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