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[英]deconstruct array of objects and checking for objects props to render Components

Im trying to do a very simple function to check for a prop in an array of objects and return a Component depending on if the prop has a value "phone" but Im struggling for not understanding how to deconstruct my arrays of objects.我试图做一个非常简单的函数来检查对象数组中的道具并根据道具是否具有值“电话”返回一个组件,但我努力不理解如何解构我的对象数组。 My array of objects looks like this:我的对象数组如下所示:

 {format: "text", multivalue: false, metaInformation: Array(2), optional: false, deprecated: false, …}
 {format: "text", multivalue: false, metaInformation: Array(1), optional: true, deprecated: false, …}
 {format: "phone", multivalue: false, metaInformation: Array(1), optional: false, deprecated: false, …}
 {format: "phone", multivalue: false, metaInformation: Array(2), optional: true, deprecated: false, …}
 {format: "textarea", multivalue: false, metaInformation: Array(2), optional: true, deprecated: false, …}
 {format: "boolean", multivalue: false, metaInformation: Array(2), optional: true, deprecated: false, …}

First I have my element to return (that is going to replace one component element with another, depending on the format:首先,我要返回我的元素(根据格式,将一个组件元素替换为另一个:

const LabeledInput = ({Component, label, name, mandatory, valid, 
...rest}) => {
  return (
    <div className="label-input mb-2 form-group">
      <Label htmlFor={name} mandatory={mandatory}>
      <Component name={name} mandatory={mandatory} valid={valid} 
 {...rest} /> <----*** this is the component that replace elements
      <div className="invalid-feedback">
         <FormattedMessage id="header.settings.profile.invalid.feedback" />

im trying to get the "format" prop from my array of objects to render this special componenet in case the format is "phone".我试图从我的对象数组中获取“格式”道具以呈现这个特殊的组件,以防格式为“电话”。 So I made my "PhoneNumberInput" component:所以我制作了我的“PhoneNumberInput”组件:

const PhoneNumberInput = ({value, onChange, valid,  ...rest}) => {
return (
      className={classNames('form-control ', {
        'is-invalid': !valid,

and then I have a very similar without type='tel' for all the others formats.然后我有一个非常相似的没有type='tel'的所有其他格式。 Then, inside my render() I declared my function that is going to check for the prop "format" in the object and return the desired Component... like this:然后,在我的render()我声明了我的函数,该函数将检查对象中的道具“格式”并返回所需的组件......像这样:

const {customFields} = this.props;
const {format: format} = customFields || {};

const lookupComponent = (format) => {
  console.log('the format is this: ====>', customFields)

  if (format === 'phone') {
    console.log('there are some')
    return <PhoneNumberInput key={format}/>
  } else {
    return <Input key={format}/>;

customFields is my array with objects and at the end I have my component that returns the inputs customFields 是我的对象数组,最后我有返回输入的组件

return (
            Component={lookupComponent} <---- I run my function 
            onChange={e => this.customChange(e, cf.id)}

The problem is that is NOT checking for the propery format in my array of objects "customFields", I tried mapping them and got something kind of working but not really... cause it itinerated all the inputs in every element.问题是没有检查我的对象数组“customFields”中的属性格式,我尝试映射它们并得到某种工作但不是真的......因为它遍历了每个元素中的所有输入。 (I tried this:) (我试过这个:)

const lookupComponent = customFields.map((data) => {
  console.log('the format is this: ====>', data.format) <--** In this case I've got the formats but itinerated for all the objects in the Array.

  if (data.format === 'phone') {
    console.log('there are some')
    return <PhoneNumberInput key={format}/>
  } else {
    return <Input key={format}/>;

So how do I get the "format" prop from the object and check if there is one format === phone , render the telephone input else a normal input?那么如何从对象中获取“格式”道具并检查是否存在一种format === phone ,将电话输入呈现为正常输入? Thanks in advance for any advise!提前感谢您的任何建议! Cheers!干杯!

I realized that I was already maping the objects in the right place, so once i maped them on the component that render the function to check the props all started to work!我意识到我已经在正确的位置映射了对象,所以一旦我将它们映射到渲染函数以检查道具的组件就开始工作了! so, the changes went like this, On my function to check the format I passed the already maped objects:所以,变化是这样的,在我检查格式的函数中,我传递了已经映射的对象:

const lookupComponent = cf => {
  if (cf.format === 'phone') {
    return PhoneNumberInput;
  } else {
    return Input;

And that "cf" comes from my now right maped objects:而“cf”来自我现在正确的映射对象:

 {customFields.map((cf, index) => {
        const metaHash = cf.metaInformation.reduce((map, mi) => map.set(mi.name, mi.value), new Map());
        return (

So i didnt need to deconstruct anything actually (or well not a second time at least!)所以我实际上不需要解构任何东西(或者至少不是第二次!)

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