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TypeScript - 基于多个参数的函数返回类型

[英]TypeScript - Function return type based on multiple parameters

I'm creating a function that exports an image.我正在创建一个导出图像的函数。 It needs to take the format , exportType and pathOrWithMetadata parameters.它需要采用formatexportTypepathOrWithMetadata参数。 I have the following code:我有以下代码:

interface ExportMetadata {
    data: Buffer;
    width: number;
    height: number;

export type Format = "png" | "jpeg";

export type ExportTypes = "file" | "buffer";

export type Output<ExportType> = ExportType extends "file" ? undefined : Buffer;

export default async function exportTo<ExportType extends ExportTypes>(
    image: Image,
    format: Format,
    exportType: ExportType,
    pathOrWithMetadata?: string | boolean
): Promise<Output<ExportType>> { ... }

This will ensure that if the exportType is "file" , undefined will be returned.这将确保如果exportType"file" ,则将返回undefined But if the exportType is "Buffer" , a Buffer will be returned.但是如果exportType"Buffer" ,则会返回一个Buffer Now, I need the Buffer return type to be dependent on the pathOrWithMetadata parameter.现在,我需要Buffer返回类型依赖于pathOrWithMetadata参数。 Firstly, if the exportType is "file" , pathOrWithMetadata must be a string.首先,如果exportType"file"pathOrWithMetadata必须是一个字符串。 If the exportType is "buffer" , it needs to be a boolean.如果exportType"buffer" ,它需要是一个布尔值。 If the boolean is true , the return type needs to be ExportMetadata .如果布尔值为true ,则返回类型需要为ExportMetadata If it's false or undefined , it needs to return a Buffer .如果它是falseundefined ,它需要返回一个Buffer

Here's what I tried:这是我尝试过的:

interface ExportMetadata {
    data: Buffer;
    width: number;
    height: number;

export type Format = "png" | "jpeg";

export type ExportTypes = "file" | "buffer";

export type PathOrWithMetadataOptions = string | boolean;

export type Output<ExportType, PathOrWithMetadata> = ExportType extends "file" ? undefined : (PathOrWithMetadata extends true ? ExportMetadata : Buffer);

export default async function exportTo<ExportType extends ExportTypes, PathOrWithMetadata extends PathOrWithMetadataOptions>(
    image: Image,
    format: Format,
    exportType: ExportType,
    pathOrWithMetadata?: PathOrWithMetadata
): Promise<Output<ExportType, PathOrWithMetadata>> { ... }

This worked for the following use cases:这适用于以下用例:

exportTo(image, "png", "file", "example.png"); // Promise<undefined>
exportTo(image, "png", "buffer", true); // Promise<ExportMetadata>
exportTo(image, "png", "buffer", false); // Promise<Buffer>

But didn't work when pathOrWithMetadata is undefined :但是当pathOrWithMetadata undefinedpathOrWithMetadata

exportTo(image, "png", "buffer");

The return type here is Promise<ExportMetadata | Buffer>这里的返回类型是Promise<ExportMetadata | Buffer> Promise<ExportMetadata | Buffer> . Promise<ExportMetadata | Buffer> . How can I have the return type be Promise<Buffer> ?如何让返回类型为Promise<Buffer>

我发现解决方案是为PathOrWithMetadata设置默认值, PathOrWithMetadata所示:

export default async function exportTo<ExportType extends ExportTypes, PathOrWithMetadata extends PathOrWithMetadataOptions = false>(...): Promise<Output<ExportType, PathOrWithMetadata>> { ... }

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