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在 R 中重命名文件 - 删除字符

[英]Rename files in R - delete character

I have multiple files to analyze that are now called "E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)" ad I want to delete the 0 so that they become just "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)".我有多个文件要分析,现在称为“E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)”广告我想删除0,以便它们变成“E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)”。 Is there a way to do it?有没有办法做到这一点?


Just to add to Rui Barradas answer, you could use the package stringr and remove the zero from the name or names, by typing:只是要添加到 Rui Barradas 的答案中,您可以使用包stringr并通过键入以下内容从一个或多个名称中删除零:

fileNames <- "E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"
stringr::str_remove(fileNames, '0')
[1] "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"

This base R regex seems to do the job.这个基本的 R正则表达式似乎可以完成这项工作。

x <- "E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"
sub("(^[^[:digit:]]*)0([[:digit:]]+.*$)", "\\1\\2", x)
#[1] "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"

If you want to change many filenames, maybe a function will make it easier to perform the task.如果您想更改许多文件名,也许一个功能可以使执行任务更容易。

changeName <- function(x){
  sub("(^[^[:digit:]]*)0([[:digit:]]+.*$)", "\\1\\2", x)

x <- "E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"
#[1] "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"

y <- c("E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)", "E - 06789(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)")
#[1] "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"    "E - 6789(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"

You can use look arounds and str_remove:您可以使用环顾四周和 str_remove:

> library(stringr)
> s
[1] "E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"
> str_remove(s, '(?<=E - )0(?=4\\(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5\\))')
[1] "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"

We can also use sub我们也可以使用sub

sub("0", "", str1)
#[1] "E - 4(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"


str1 <- "E - 04(fld 1 wv Red - Cy5)"

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