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onClick 后重定向到组件

[英]Redirect to component after onClick

I'm creating a shelter finder web app with a simple API as a project, I'm mapping trough an array of shelters and generating a ShelterCard that contains basic info about it, I had an idea and there is a lot of Data on the API that would remain unused so I wanted to implement some type of onClick that takes you to a bigger component with more information about the specific shelter, I haven't done this before so I'm unsure on how to implement this functionality.我正在使用一个简单的 API 作为项目创建一个庇护所查找器 Web 应用程序,我正在绘制一系列庇护所并生成一个包含有关它的基本信息的ShelterCard ,我有一个想法,并且有很多关于庇护所的数据API 将保持未使用状态,因此我想实现某种类型的onClick ,它会将您带到一个更大的组件,其中包含有关特定庇护所的更多信息,我之前没有这样做过,所以我不确定如何实现此功能。 My idea could be using something like the shelter id on the params and then use that with the ShelterProfile to display the complete info.我的想法可能是在参数上使用类似避难所 id 的东西,然后将它与 ShelterProfile 一起使用以显示完整信息。 So far I haven't been able to even console.log something when I click each card so I need to know first how to implement that onClick .到目前为止,当我点击每张卡片时,我什至无法在console.log一些东西,所以我首先需要知道如何实现onClick I'm using react-router for the routes and react-query to fetch the data.我正在使用 react-router 作为路由和 react-query 来获取数据。 I'm open to any different ideas on approaching this.我对解决这个问题的任何不同想法持开放态度。

export const ShelterComponent = () => {
    const history = useHistory()
    async function fetchData() {
        const response = await fetch(SHELTER_URL)
        const data = await response.json()
        return data
    const {status, data, error} = useQuery("shelter", fetchData)
    // const {features} = data
    if(status==="loading"){return <p>Loading </p>}
    if(error) return <p>something went worng...</p>
    return (
     {data.features.map((shelter, i)=> {  
           return <ShelterCard key ={i} shelter={shelter}/>

It seems like you want to implement something like a Netflix home screen.您似乎想要实现 Netflix 主屏幕之类的功能。 when you click on any movie card the bigger popup opens with more information about the same movie or series.当您单击任何电影卡片时,会打开更大的弹出窗口,其中包含有关同一电影或系列的更多信息。

instead of redirecting it to another page here's what you can do.您可以这样做,而不是将其重定向到另一个页面。 maintain one selectedShelterId state and initially set it to "false".保持一个 selectedShelterId 状态并将其初始设置为“false”。

const [selectedShelterId,setSelectedShelterId]=useState(false)

add onClick to all cards and whenever the user clicks on any card set the selectedShelterId to the shelter id which is on the shelter card.将 onClick 添加到所有卡片,每当用户单击任何卡片时,将 selectedShelterId 设置为避难所卡片上的避难所 ID。

 {data.features.map((shelter, i)=> {  
       return (
              <div onClick={()=>setSelectedShelterId(shelter.id)}> 
                 <ShelterCard key ={i} shelter={shelter}/>

create on components (eg. ShelterInfoPopup) where you can pass this selectedShelterId as a prop and with that id you can make an API call to get and display the shelter info as you want.创建组件(例如 ShelterInfoPopup),您可以在其中将此 selectedShelterId 作为道具传递,并使用该 ID 进行 API 调用以根据需要获取和显示避难所信息。

and make this ShelterInfoPopup component fixed on top of the page and it should be only opened when there is a selectedShelterId.并将这个 ShelterInfoPopup 组件固定在页面顶部,它应该只在有 selectedShelterId 时打开。

{selectedShelterId && <ShelterInfoPopup shelterID={selectedShelterId}/>}

and add one cross or some sort of option on a popup with that can close the popup.并在弹出窗口上添加一个十字或某种选项,可以关闭弹出窗口。 for that, you need to set the selectedShelterId as a false.为此,您需要将 selectedShelterId 设置为 false。

you can make use of useEffect and query params to make it more dynamic and maintain selectedShelterId in query params.您可以使用 useEffect 和 query params 使其更加动态并在查询 params 中维护 selectedShelterId 。 to open the page with popup opened already.打开已经打开弹出窗口的页面。

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