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[英]React testing structure using Enzyme

I have a react component that I want to test the structure.我有一个要测试结构的反应组件。

So when I run wrapper.debug() it shows me an output like this.因此,当我运行wrapper.debug()它会向我显示这样的输出。

  <div className="SignupLoginContainer">
    <div className="SignupLoginContainer__SliderBtnContainer">
      <LoginSignupSliderButton toShow={[Function: toShow]} />
    <div className="SignupLoginContainer__Form_Container">
       <Login isLoggingInOrSigningUp={true} />

Then I'm testing it like:然后我像这样测试它:

   <div className="SignupLoginContainer">
     <div className="SignupLoginContainer__SliderBtnContainer">
      <LoginSignupSliderButton toShow={() => true} />
      <div className="SignupLoginContainer__Form_Container">
        <Login isLoggingInOrSigningUp={true} />

Here's my component render method:这是我的组件渲染方法:

render() {
    return (
          <div className={styles.SignupLoginContainer}>
            <div className={styles.SignupLoginContainer__SliderBtnContainer}>
              <LoginSignupSliderButton toShow={(val: boolean) => this.toLogInOrSignUp(val)} />
            <div className={styles.SignupLoginContainer__Form_Container}>
              <Login isLoggingInOrSigningUp={this.state.toLoginOrSignup} />

My test works if I remove <LoginSignupSliderButton toShow={(val: boolean) => this.toLogInOrSignUp(val)} /> from the component and test.如果我从组件和测试中删除<LoginSignupSliderButton toShow={(val: boolean) => this.toLogInOrSignUp(val)} />的测试工作。

I'm suspecting because of the callback?我怀疑是因为回调?

What you need is snapshot testing like so:您需要的是像这样的snapshot testing

// yourcomp.test.js

import YourComp from './wherever-it-lives';

it('renders correctly', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<YourComp/>);

After this test passes, it will create a __snapshots__ folder in your project directory with the correct snapshot for your components markup.此测试通过后,它将在您的项目目录中创建一个__snapshots__文件夹,其中包含组件标记的正确快照。

NOTE: If you ever update your markup (HTML) again, this test will fail until you update your snapshot like so:注意:如果您再次更新标记 (HTML),此测试将失败,直到您像这样更新快照:

jest --updateSnapshot

And your test should be passing again.你的测试应该会再次通过。

PS.附注。 I have of course made an assumption you are using jest as your test runner.我当然假设您使用 jest 作为测试运行程序。

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