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[英]How to do data masking for xmldatatype(oracle database) in informatica

I have oracle table with xml type column with xml data,that xml data has some elements which needs to be masked such as phonenumber, data of birth, firstname and lastname etc.. using informatica.我有一个带有xml数据的xml类型列的oracle表,该xml数据有一些需要屏蔽的元素,例如电话号码、出生数据、名字和姓氏等。使用informatica。 Currently I have been following below approach.目前我一直在遵循以下方法。 Tried exporting xml data into xml files and masked using xml transformation using informatica and updated those xml columns using update quires manually.尝试将 xml 数据导出到 xml 文件中,并使用 informatica 使用 xml 转换进行屏蔽,并使用更新请求手动更新这些 xml 列。 Is there any way to read the xml data directly from oracle xml type column and apply mapplet and load it into target table or any other generic approach to achieve this solution ?有没有办法直接从 oracle xml 类型列读取 xml 数据并应用 Mapplet 并将其加载到目标表或任何其他通用方法来实现此解决方案?

It should be possible to do exactly as you describe.应该可以完全按照您的描述进行。 Read data from Oracle, pass the xml data through a Mapplet that will use XML parser , do the masking and will use XML Generator to put data back alltogeher into single column.从 Oracle 读取数据,通过将使用XML parser的 Mapplet 传递 xml 数据,进行屏蔽并使用XML Generator将数据全部放回单个列中。




Input_coulmn-->XML parser-->Exp_Masking-->XML Generator-->Output

What have you tried and what errors did you encounter?您尝试过什么,遇到过什么错误?

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