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Pivotal Cloud Foundry 已经死了吗?

[英]Is Pivotal Cloud Foundry dead?

Today I created a PCF Account (for testing purposes) and it will not let me do anything , it is telling me this:今天我创建了一个 PCF 帐户(用于测试目的),它不会让我做任何事情,它告诉我:

"We will no longer be accepting any new PWS account sign-ups after September 17, 2020. “在 2020 年 9 月 17 日之后,我们将不再接受任何新的 PWS 账户注册。

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.如有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 If you are interested in an enterprise-grade service for hosting applications, Tanzu Application Service (TAS) offers this capability.如果您对托管应用程序的企业级服务感兴趣,Tanzu Application Service (TAS) 可提供此功能。

The VMware Team" VMware 团队”

Does this mean that I need to move my production applications from PCF to VMware Tanzu ?这是否意味着我需要将生产应用程序从 PCF 迁移到 VMware Tanzu? Is PCF Dead? PCF死了吗?

Pivotal Web Services is not the same as Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Pivotal Web Services 与 Pivotal Cloud Foundry 不同。 Pivotal Web Services has been sunset, yes.是的,Pivotal Web Services 已经落伍了。 Tanzu Application Service is VMware's enterprise solution that is, if you want to think about it this way, a self-hosted Pivotal Web Services (this is a gross understatement, but works for this situation). Tanzu Application Service 是 VMware 的企业解决方案,如果您想这样想,它是一种自托管的 Pivotal Web 服务(这是一种轻描淡写的说法,但适用于这种情况)。 Are you looking to test Cloud Foundry for its suitability?您是否希望测试 Cloud Foundry 的适用性?

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