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无法将 Stripe 结帐集成到 Vue JS 应用程序中

[英]Unable to integrate Stripe checkout into Vue JS app

I am trying to redirect to stripe checkout using a click event that calls the payStripe function我正在尝试使用调用 payStripe function 的点击事件重定向到条带结帐

<button @click="payStripe" class="btn btn-primary" type="button">Place Order</button>

I have imported stripe into my Vue component like so;我已经像这样将 stripe 导入到我的 Vue 组件中;

import { loadStripe } from "@stripe/stripe-js";
const stripe = loadStripe('MY-KEY');

I am using Firebase cloud functions and axois to fetch the session and store this to a data property, this works fine.我正在使用 Firebase 云函数和 axois 来获取 session 并将其存储到数据属性中,这工作正常。

But, the payStripe method, when called, gives the following error;但是,调用 payStripe 方法时会出现以下错误;

Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: stripe.redirectToCheckout is not a function"

Here is the function i am using which, from all accounts is similar to the Stripe API docs;这是我正在使用的 function,从所有帐户来看都类似于 Stripe API 文档;

  data() {
    return {
      sessionId: null,
  methods: {
    //This function sends us to the stripe checkout
     payStripe() {
          sessionId: this.sessionId
        .then(function(result) {
        }).catch(function(error) {

I had original issues with babel-core, so i updated to @babel/core to get rid of rest operator issues when compling code, but faced with this new issue.我有 babel-core 的原始问题,所以我更新到 @babel/core 以在编译代码时摆脱 rest 运算符问题,但面临这个新问题。 Any advice would be great.任何建议都会很棒。 Thank you谢谢

According to the documentation here , loadStripe returns a promise that you must wait to resolve.根据此处的文档loadStripe返回一个您必须等待解决的承诺。

Try something like尝试类似的东西

import { loadStripe } from "@stripe/stripe-js"
const stripeInit = loadStripe('MY-KEY') // returns a promise

and when you want to use stripe当你想使用条纹时

methods: {
  //This function sends us to the stripe checkout
  payStripe() {
    // wait for the promise to resolve first
    stripeInit.then(stripe => {
        sessionId: this.sessionId
      }).then(function(result) {
      }).catch(function(error) {

Using Laravel Homestead as a vm, I turned ssl: true in Homestead.yaml, and entered https://site.test manually in the URL. I didn't get a valid https certificate, but the vue-stripe components load and it works使用 Laravel Homestead 作为虚拟机,我在 Homestead.yaml ssl: true为 true,然后在 URL 中手动输入https://site.test 。我没有获得有效的 https 证书,但没有获得有效的 https 组件作品

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