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在 angular 中,如何将不同的 FormGroup 动态添加到 FormArray 中?

[英]In angular, how to dynamically add different FormGroup into a FormArray?

I want to dynamically add several dishes into this order array.我想在这个订单数组中动态添加几道菜。 Each dish is a FormGroup.每道菜都是一个 FormGroup。 Dish could be pizza, salad, drink or something else.菜可以是比萨饼、沙拉、饮料或其他东西。 Before adding anything, the form should look this:在添加任何内容之前,表单应如下所示:

  firstName: ['', Validators.required],
  lastName: [''],
  order: this.fb.array([])

After added dishes, form should be something like this:添加菜品后,表格应该是这样的:

 firstName: ['', Validators.required],
 lastName: [''],
 order: this.fb.array([
   {type:pizza, name:summerPizza, size:8},
   {type:salad, name:goodsalad, size:small},
   {type:pizza, name:nicePizza, size:11},
   {type:drink, name:beer, brand:abc},

User can add as many items as they want.用户可以根据需要添加任意数量的项目。 So how to do this?那么如何做到这一点呢?

If I understand what you want correctly, you would likely want a method that returns a formGroup you want to add to the formArray .如果我知道你想什么正确的,你可能会想要一个返回的方法formGroup要添加到formArray

Making the assumption this is within a component class context.假设这是在组件类上下文中。

in .ts:在.ts:

formGroup = this.fb.group({
  firstName: ['', Validators.required],
  lastName: [''],
  order: this.fb.array([])
createOrder(): FormGroup {
  return this.fb.group({
    type: this.fb.control(""),
    name: this.fb.control(""),
    size: this.fb.control(""),
    brand: this.fb.control(""),

then you'd have a method that would call that createOrder and add the formGroup to the formArray那么你就必须将调用的方法createOrder和添加formGroupformArray

get ordersFormArray(): FormArray {
 return this.formGroup.get('orders') as FormArray;
addOrder() {

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