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如何在 Pydroid3 上创建虚拟环境

[英]How can i create a virtual environment on Pydroid3

I had tried it, but this was the result, please check below.我试过了,但这是结果,请在下面查看。

/storage/emulated/0 $ cd venv3
/storage/emulated/0/venv3 $ virtualenv .
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/data/user/0/ru.iiec.pydroid3/files/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/python3.8' -> '/storage/emulated/0/venv3/bin/python'
/storage/emulated/0/venv3 $```

If you are using termux or something like that and your phone isn't root, go to your $HOME directory via one of these commands: cd or cd $HOME .如果您正在使用 termux 或类似的东西并且您的手机不是 root,请通过以下命令之一转到您的 $HOME 目录: cdcd $HOME Then you can run virtualenv .然后你可以运行virtualenv . . . You can't run some special things in your phone storage (if your phone isn't root), for example , you can't run a bash script in /storage/emulated/0/... .您不能在手机存储中运行一些特殊的东西(如果您的手机不是 root),例如,您不能在/storage/emulated/0/...运行 bash 脚本。

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