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Android 上没有显示测试广告 -AdMob

[英]No Test Ads Showing on Android -AdMob

I have updated firebase/admob package.我已经更新了 firebase/admob 包。

Interstitial ads are showing but banners are not.插页式广告正在显示,但横幅没有显示。

Before update the package, also banner ads were fine.在更新包之前,横幅广告也很好。


"@react-native-firebase/admob": "^7.6.9"


const adUnitIdBanner = __DEV__
? TestIds.BANNER
: Platform.OS === 'ios'
? 'xxx'
: 'yyy'


   onAdLoaded={() => {
     console.log('Advert loaded');
   onAdFailedToLoad={(result) => {
     console.log('result', result)
     console.log('Ad failed to load', arguments)

Ad Load Fail Log:广告加载失败日志:

result [Error: [admob/error-code-no-fill] The ad request was successful, but no ad was   
returned due to lack of ad inventory.]
LOG  Ad failed to load [[Object], [Function metroRequire], [Function metroImportDefault], 
[Function metroImportAll], {"exports": {"default": [Function MainScreen]}, "hot": 
{"_acceptCallback": null, "_didAccept": false, "_disposeCallback": null, "accept": [Function 
accept], "dispose": [Function dispose]}, "id": 1034}...


W/unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class io.invertase.firebase.admob.ReactNativeFirebaseAdMobBannerAdViewManager

Everything is fine on iOS.在 iOS 上一切都很好。

What could be the reason that no Banner Test Ads are showing?没有显示横幅测试广告的原因可能是什么?

The problem was related to SMART_BANNER .该问题与SMART_BANNER相关。

I changed it to BANNER , now ad showing up.我把它改成BANNER ,现在广告出现了。

Fail Log misleading because there should not be inventory for the TEST ADS I think.失败日志具有误导性,因为我认为不应有TEST ADS inventory

Also for the test ads:同样对于测试广告:

Production ads showing up written Test Ad on it.生产广告上显示书面Test Ad

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