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[英]How to convert datetime to date only (with time set to 00:00:00.000)

I have a string '2009-06-24 09:52:43.000', which I need to insert to a DateTime column of a table. 我有一个字符串'2009-06-24 09:52:43.000',我需要将其插入到表的DateTime列中。

But I don't care about the time, just want to insert it as 2009-06-24 00:00:00.000 但是我不关心时间,只想插入它作为2009-06-24 00:00:00.000

How can I do that in T-SQL? 我怎么能在T-SQL中做到这一点?

For SQL Server 2005 and below: 对于SQL Server 2005及更低版本:

CONVERT(varchar(8), @ParamDate, 112)    -- Supported way

CAST(FLOOR(CAST(@ParamDate AS float)) AS DATETIME)   -- Unsupported way

For SQL Server 2008 and above: 对于SQL Server 2008及更高版本:

CAST(@ParamDate AS DATE)
declare @originalDate datetime
select @originalDate = '2009-06-24 09:52:43.000'

declare @withoutTime datetime
select @withoutTime = dateadd(d, datediff(d, 0, @originalDate), 0)

select @withoutTime

SELECT CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),'2009-06-24 09:52:43.000',102) AS DATETIME)

James is correct. 詹姆斯是对的。 If you're starting off with a string, and the format will always be what you say it is, then you keep it simple and efficient. 如果您从一个字符串开始,并且格式将始终是您所说的,那么您可以保持简单高效。 Use LEFT( @StrDate, 10) and CONVERT that to your datetime value. 使用LEFT( @StrDate, 10)并将其CONVERT为日期时间值。 Done. 完成。

If your input string could be any valid date/time format, then you have to use CONVERT(datetime, @StrDate) first. 如果您的输入字符串可以是任何有效的日期/时间格式,那么您必须首先使用CONVERT(datetime, @StrDate) After that you go with what Bing just said to strip off the time part. 在那之后,你会选择Bing刚才所说的去掉时间部分。

An enhancement to the unsupported version: I am not sure if this may effect any performance. 对不受支持的版本的增强:我不确定这是否会影响任何性能。 getdate() is an input timestamp in my query. getdate()是我的查询中的输入时间戳。

select cast(cast(getdate() as DATE) as DATETIME)

cast it to a date, and then you can use CONVERT to get just the date. 将它转换为日期,然后您可以使用CONVERT来获取日期。

INSERT MyTable(Column1)
SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(8), CAST('2009-06-24 09:52:43.000' AS DATETIME), 112)

If you will always have the date in the same format, ie yyyy-MM-DD you can grab the first 10 characters if the value and insert that which is the equivelant of 00:00:00.0000 time for that date. 如果您将始终使用相同格式的日期,即yyyy-MM-DD,您可以获取前10个字符(如果值)并插入该日期00:00:00.0000的等效时间。

select left('2009-12-32 4:32:00',10)

This is a very efficient way to do this as it does't require converting data types HOWEVER, it does require that the date will always be formatted with a four digit year and two digit day & month. 这是一种非常有效的方法,因为它不需要转换数据类型,但它确实要求日期始终格式化为四位数年份和两位数日期和月份。


 SELECT CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as datetime)

Probably a cleaner and more portable way to do this, but my years old idiom is: 可能是一个更干净,更便携的方式,但我多年的习语是:

insert into tbl (date_column)
select convert(varchar, convert (datetime, '2009-06-24 09:52:43.000'), 101)

A variety of hacks: 各种黑客:

  • Convert your string to a datetime, then back again using the optional "style" parameter to convert to convert your datetime to a string using just the date portion 将您的字符串转换为日期时间,然后使用可选的“style”参数再次convert为仅使用日期部分将日期时间转换为字符串
  • use substring to chop off the end 使用substring来切断结束
  • round the datetime using floor 使用floor围绕日期时间


select cast(left(yourstring, 10) as datetime)

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