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我如何在 React 的数组中更新 object 中的键值?

[英]How do i update value of a key in an object inside an Array in React?

I have a dynamic list of items a user adds.我有一个用户添加的项目的动态列表。 I want to avoid duplicating when a user adds an item already present in the list.当用户添加列表中已存在的项目时,我想避免重复。 My list looks like我的清单看起来像

itemList = [ {itemId:1, name:"x", quantity:5}, {itemId:4, name:"y", quantity:2}]

so now if a user adds item x with quantity 2 i want the object with item x to update the quantity to 7 rather than adding a whole new object. I am using find() method to get the item already present and storing it to a variable, itemObj is the item the user recently added.所以现在如果用户添加数量为 2 的项目 x ,我希望带有项目 x 的 object 将数量更新为 7,而不是添加一个全新的 object。我正在使用 find() 方法获取已经存在的项目并将其存储到变量,itemObj 是用户最近添加的项目。

let alrItem = state.itemList.find(
    (e) => e.itemId === itemObj.itemId
let newItem = alrItem;
newItem.quantity += itemObj.quantity;

How do I merge this newItem to the itemList so that it just updates the quantity of that specific item?我如何将这个 newItem 合并到 itemList 以便它只更新该特定项目的数量?

What you are doing is finding the object in the itemList array and then mutating the state directly.您正在做的是在itemList数组中找到 object,然后直接改变 state。 State should not be mutated directly. State 不应直接突变。

Instead of using .find() method, use the .map() method to iterate over the array and update the quantity of the item that matches with the id of the new item.不使用.find()方法,而是使用.map()方法遍历数组并更新与新项目 ID 匹配的项目数量。

let updatedItemList = state.itemList.map((item) => {
   if (item.itemId === itemObj.itemId) {
      return { ...item, quantity: item.quantity + itemObj.quantity };
   return item;

// update the state

Note that above code will not do anything if the item isn't already present in the itemList .请注意,如果该项目尚未出现在itemList中,则上述代码将不会执行任何操作。 Ideally, you should also handle the case where the new item isn't already present in the itemList .理想情况下,您还应该处理新项目尚未出现在itemList中的情况。 In this case, you should just add the new item in the itemList .在这种情况下,您应该只在itemList中添加新项目。

To handle this case, all you need is a extra variable that can be used to know whether the if condition inside the .map() method evaluated to true or not.要处理这种情况,您所需要的只是一个额外的变量,该变量可用于了解.map()方法中的if条件是否计算为真。

let exists = false;

let updatedItemList = state.itemList.map((item) => {
   if (item.itemId === itemObj.itemId) {
      exists = true;
      return { ...item, quantity: item.quantity + itemObj.quantity };
   return item;

// if the item isn't present in the list, add it in the "updatedItemList"
if (!exists) {

// update the state
let itemList = [ {itemId:1, name:"x", quantity:5}, {itemId:4, name:"y", quantity:2}]
let itemObj = {itemId:1, name:"x", quantity:2}

const target = itemList.find(element =>
    element.itemId === itemObj.itemId

if (target) {
    target.quantity = target.quantity + itemObj.quantity;
} else {

console.log('itemList: ' + JSON.stringify(itemList));


itemList: [{"itemId":1,"name":"x","quantity":7},{"itemId":4,"name":"y","quantity":2}] itemList: [{"itemId":1,"name":"x","quantity":7},{"itemId":4,"name":"y","quantity":2}]

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