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用于创建新事件 URL 的 Outlook 日历链接不再有效?

[英]Outlook Calendar link to create a new event URL is no longer working?

In our web application we providing the below link to create a calendar event when I click on the button it will open the outlook mail portal and add an event link在我们的 Web 应用程序中,我们提供以下链接以创建日历事件,当我单击按钮时,它将打开 Outlook 邮件门户并添加事件链接

https://outlook.live.com/owa/?path=/calendar/view/month&rru=addevent https://outlook.live.com/owa/?path=/calendar/view/month&rru=addevent

&startdt=20200419T133000Z &startdt=20200419T133000Z

&enddt=20200419T134000Z &enddt=20200419T134000Z

&subject=Dear Andy, Calender description here&location=Mumbai &subject=亲爱的安迪,这里的日历描述&location=孟买

But unfortunately, the above link is no longer working, could anybody help us to fix the issue and tell what is the exact link format that will create a calendar event.但不幸的是,上面的链接不再有效,任何人都可以帮助我们解决问题并告诉我们将创建日历事件的确切链接格式是什么。

Seems to be working now.似乎现在正在工作。 At least the add event pop-up does appear.至少确实会出现添加事件弹出窗口。 Still the time is parsed in a wrong way.仍然以错误的方式解析时间。 At the moment you should be using following format: 2020-04-19T13:30:00Z目前您应该使用以下格式: 2020-04-19T13:30:00Z

Still texts are also parsed incorrectly and show plus signs.静止文本也会被错误解析并显示加号。 Pointing to outlook.live.com/calendar/0/deeplink/compose instead of outlook.live.com/owa/ is fixing this but will break the timezone :)指向outlook.live.com/calendar/0/deeplink/compose而不是outlook.live.com/owa/正在解决这个问题,但会打破时区:)

Never found any docs on this.从未找到任何关于此的文档。

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