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我正在尝试使用 regex_replace 命令提取子字符串。 我想在这里提取“SWIFTInward”

[英]I am trying to extract a substring using regex_replace command . I want to extract “SWIFTInward” here

I tried below code in Ansible我在 Ansible 中尝试了以下代码

- hosts: windows
  strategy: linear

    war_file_path: F:\\Install\\IIBProjects\\DE\\WAR\\DE_SWIFTInward-202010.0.0.war

    - name: Get properties folder path for windows
        endpointDetails: "{{ item | win_basename | regex_replace('\\\\(?:(?!\\\\).)*$', '') }}"
        - "{{ war_file_path }}"
      register: war_file_name
      when: ansible_os_family == "Windows"

Expect output : SWIFTInward期望输出SWIFTInward
Error output which i am getting : DE_SWIFTInward-202010.0.0.war我得到的错误输出DE_SWIFTInward-202010.0.0.war

The win_basename returns the file name without the directory details. win_basename返回没有目录详细信息的文件名。 So, your regex does not match it as it requires a \\ at the start.因此,您的正则表达式与它不匹配,因为它在开始时需要一个\\

You need你需要

endpointDetails: "{{ item | win_basename | regex_replace('^[^_]*_([^_-]+).*', '\\1') }}"

See the regex demo查看正则表达式演示

Or, use regex_search with a simple _([^_-]+)- regex :或者,将regex_search与简单的_([^_-]+)- regex 一起使用

endpointDetails: "{{ item | win_basename | regex_search('(?<=_)[^_-]+') }}"


  • ^[^_]*_([^_-]+).* : ^[^_]*_([^_-]+).* :
    • ^ - start of a string ^ - 字符串的开始
    • [^_]* - zero or more chars other than _ [^_]* - 除_以外的零个或多个字符
    • _ - a _ char _ - 一个_字符
    • ([^_-]+) - Group 1 ( \\1 ): one or more chars other than _ and - ([^_-]+) - 第 1 组 ( \\1 ):除_-之外的一个或多个字符
    • .* - the rest of the string. .* - 字符串的其余部分。
  • (?<=_)[^_-]+ : (?<=_)[^_-]+ :
    • (?<=_) - a location in string that is immediately preceded with _ (?<=_) - 字符串中紧跟在_前面的位置
    • [^_-]+ - one or more chars other than _ and - . [^_-]+ - 除_-之外的一个或多个字符。

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