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在 WooCommerce 电子邮件订单项目中显示可变产品的产品自定义字段

[英]Display a product custom field for variable products in WooCommerce email order items

I've added a Custom SKU in products to use for vendor SKU for order confirmation email.我在产品中添加了一个自定义 SKU,用于供应商 SKU 的订单确认电子邮件。 What I've created works only for simple products and not variable products.我创建的内容仅适用于简单产品而不适用于可变产品。

Custom SKU,自定义 SKU,截图图片

I added this to the functions.php我将此添加到functions.php

function jk_add_custom_sku() {
    $args = array(
        'label' => __( 'Custom SKU', 'woocommerce' ),
        'placeholder' => __( 'Enter custom SKU here', 'woocommerce' ),
        'id' => 'jk_sku',
        'desc_tip' => true,
        'description' => __( 'This SKU is for internal use only.', 'woocommerce' ),
    woocommerce_wp_text_input( $args );
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_sku', 'jk_add_custom_sku' );

function jk_save_custom_sku( $post_id ) {
    // grab the custom SKU from $_POST
    $custom_sku = isset( $_POST[ 'jk_sku' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'jk_sku' ] ) : '';
    // grab the product
    $product = wc_get_product( $post_id );
    // save the custom SKU using WooCommerce built-in functions
    $product->update_meta_data( 'jk_sku', $custom_sku );
add_action( 'woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'jk_save_custom_sku' );

Next I modified the email template email-order-items.php adding to the SKU section to check if Custom SKU exists.接下来我修改了电子邮件模板 email-order-items.php 添加到 SKU 部分以检查是否存在自定义 SKU。


// Show title/image etc.
if ( $show_image ) {
    echo wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_thumbnail', $image, $item ) );

// Product name.
echo wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_name', $item->get_name(), $item, false ) );

// SKU.
if ( $show_sku && $sku ) {
    echo wp_kses_post( ' (#' . $sku . ')' );
    // load the custom SKU
    $custom_sku = get_post_meta( $product->get_id(), 'jk_sku', true );
    if ( is_string( $custom_sku ) ) { // only show the custom SKU if it's set
        echo "<br>" . wp_kses_post( "Custom SKU: $custom_sku" ); // change this line if needed

// allow other plugins to add additional product information here.
do_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_start', $item_id, $item, $order, $plain_text );

        'label_before' => '<strong class="wc-item-meta-label" style="float: ' . esc_attr( $text_align ) . '; margin-' . esc_attr( $margin_side ) . ': .25em; clear: both">',

// allow other plugins to add additional product information here.
do_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_end', $item_id, $item, $order, $plain_text );


The Custom SKU only shows up on the email for Simple products.自定义 SKU 仅显示在简单产品的电子邮件中。 I need it to work with Variable products.我需要它来处理可变产品。 There is only one Custom SKU for each product not for each variable product.每个产品只有一个自定义 SKU,而不是每个可变产品。

I have revisited a bit your code and changed the meta key to _sku2 just like WooCommerce meta keys starting with an underscore:我重新访问了一些您的代码,并将元键更改为_sku2 ,就像 WooCommerce 元键以下划线开头一样:

add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_sku', 'add_product_sku2_custom_field' );
function add_product_sku2_custom_field() {
    $field_key = '_sku2';

    woocommerce_wp_text_input( array(
        'id'          => $field_key,
        'label'       => __( 'Custom SKU', 'woocommerce' ),
        'placeholder' => __( 'Enter custom SKU here', 'woocommerce' ),
        'desc_tip'    => true,
        'description' => __( 'This SKU is for internal use only.', 'woocommerce' ),
    ) );

add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_process_product_object', 'save_product_sku2_custom_field_value' );
function save_product_sku2_custom_field_value( $product ) {
    $field_key = '_sku2';

    if ( isset($_POST[$field_key]) ) {
        $product->update_meta_data( $field_key, sanitize_text_field($_POST[$field_key]) );

For product variations, you need to get the parent variable product to get a "Custom sku" displayed (see at the code at the end)对于产品变体,您需要获取父变量产品才能显示“自定义 sku” (请参阅最后的代码)

Now to enable an additional custom SKU to product variations of a variable product too, use the following:现在要为可变产品的产品变体启用额外的自定义 SKU,请使用以下内容:

add_action( 'woocommerce_variation_options_pricing', 'add_product_variation_sku2_custom_field', 10, 3 );
function add_product_variation_sku2_custom_field( $loop, $variation_data, $variation ){
    $field_key = '_sku2';

    woocommerce_wp_text_input( array(
        'id'          => $field_key.'['.$loop.']',
        'label'       => __( 'Custom SKU', 'woocommerce' ),
        'placeholder' => __( 'Enter custom SKU here', 'woocommerce' ),
        'desc_tip'    => true,
        'description' => __( 'This SKU is for internal use only.', 'woocommerce' ),
        'value'       => get_post_meta( $variation->ID, $field_key, true )
    ) );

add_action( 'woocommerce_save_product_variation', 'save_product_variation_sku2_custom_field_value', 10, 2 );
function save_product_variation_sku2_custom_field_value( $variation_id, $i ){
    $field_key = '_sku2';

    if( isset($_POST[$field_key][$i]) ){
        update_post_meta( $variation_id, $field_key, sanitize_text_field($_POST[$field_key][$i]) );

Code goes in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme).代码位于活动子主题(或活动主题)的 functions.php 文件中。 Tested and works.测试和工作。

And in your template custom code you will replace:在您的模板自定义代码中,您将替换:

// SKU.
if ( $show_sku && $sku ) {
    echo wp_kses_post( ' (#' . $sku . ')' );
    // load the custom SKU
    $custom_sku = get_post_meta( $product->get_id(), 'jk_sku', true );
    if ( is_string( $custom_sku ) ) { // only show the custom SKU if it's set
        echo "<br>" . wp_kses_post( "Custom SKU: $custom_sku" ); // change this line if needed

by the following (that will work for variable products or product variations) :通过以下(适用于可变产品或产品变体)

// SKU (and SKU2)
if ( $show_sku && $sku ) {
    echo wp_kses_post( ' (#' . $sku . ')' );
    // load the custom SKU
    $sku2 = $product->get_meta('_sku2');
    // For product variations with empty SKU (get the parent variable product SKU)
    if ( empty($sku2) && $product->is_type('variation') ) { 
        // Get parent variable product Id
        $parent_product_id = $product->get_parent_id(); 
        $parent_product    = wc_get_product($parent_product_id);
        $sku2              = $parent_product->get_meta('_sku2');
    // only show the custom SKU if it's set (and product variation too)
    if ( ! empty($sku2) ) {
        echo "<br>" . wp_kses_post( sprintf( __("Custom SKU: %s", "woocommerce"), $sku2 ) ); // change this line if needed

For product variations, if there is not any "custom sku", it will try to get the parent variable product "custom sku".对于产品变体,如果没有任何“自定义 sku”,它将尝试获取父变量产品“自定义 sku”。

It should work.它应该工作。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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