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OpenJFX 软件站点没有分类项目

[英]OpenJFX software site has no categorized items

I would like to add JavaFX to my e4 application.我想将 JavaFX 添加到我的 e4 应用程序中。 I've been following this tutorial to get it working with Java 11.我一直在关注本教程以使其与 Java 11 一起使用。

The tutorial says to add this software site: http://downloads.efxclipse.bestsolution.at/p2-repos/openjfx-11/repository/教程说要添加这个软件站点: http : //downloads.efxclipse.bestsolution.at/p2-repos/openjfx-11/repository/

When I add this it says there are no categorized items so I can't install any plugins from here.当我添加它时,它说没有分类项目,所以我无法从这里安装任何插件。

Is there an alternative I should be using or is there a bug in the software site?是否有我应该使用的替代方法,或者软件站点中是否存在错误?

Just deselect the 'group items by category' check box on the install dialog to see uncategorized items.只需取消选择安装对话框中的“按类别分组项目”复选框即可查看未分类的项目。 安装对话框

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