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我们可以在不使用网站选项卡的情况下借助 Graph API 将 Sharepoint 站点的组列表附加到 Microsoft Teams 选项卡中吗

[英]Can we attach Sharepoint Site's List of a Group into Microsoft Teams Tab with the Help of Graph API without using website Tab

Official Documentation states configuration is not supported for Sharepoint but somehow I managed to configure Planner Tabs on the Teams.官方文档指出 Sharepoint 不支持配置,但我以某种方式设法在团队上配置了 Planner 选项卡。 So I was thinking if there is a way to attach sharepoint list to the tab using Graph API, I have already used to web site view, that way it asks users to sign in to the SharePoint site every time.所以我在想是否有办法使用 Graph API 将共享点列表附加到选项卡,我已经习惯了网站视图,这样它每次都会要求用户登录到 SharePoint 网站。

    "displayName": "Patient123",
    "teamsApp@odata.bind": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/appCatalogs/teamsApps/2a527703-1f6f-4559-a332-d8a7d288cd88",
    "configuration": {
        "entityId": "a43***** some list Id",
        "contentUrl": "https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/somesite/Lists/Books",
        "removeUrl": "https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/somesite/Lists/Books",
        "websiteUrl": "https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/somesite/Lists/Books"

Have you looked into this "built-in tabs" document over at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/teams-configuring-builtin-tabs#sharepoint-page-and-list-tabs .您是否在https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/teams-configuring-builtin-tabs#sharepoint-page-and-list-tabs 上查看了此“内置选项卡”文档。 I've linked directly to the SharePoint "lists" section.我已直接链接到 SharePoint“列表”部分。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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