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Oracle SQL Developer 正则表达式错误

[英]Oracle SQL Developer regex expression error

In the script file, I inserted the following code.在脚本文件中,我插入了以下代码。

drop table Test;
create table Test(
name char(2) unique not null,
constraint name_c check(
regexp_like(name, '^[A-Z]{1,2}$', 'c')

insert into Test values ('B');

The developer never budge.开发商从不让步。 It keeps on saying violating the name_c constraint and I don't understand why.它一直说违反 name_c 约束,我不明白为什么。 The regular expression looks fine for me.正则表达式对我来说看起来不错。

Some variants, however, succeeded, for example, dropping the dollar sign然而,一些变体成功了,例如,去掉了美元符号

drop table Test;
create table Test(
name char(2) unique not null,
constraint name_c check(
regexp_like(name, '^[A-Z]{1,2}', 'c')

insert into Test values ('B');

And I don't understand either.而且我也不明白。


Edit: This is the problem: logically the regex is right.编辑:这就是问题所在:从逻辑上讲,正则表达式是正确的。 But somehow Oracle SQL Developer doesn't budge.但不知何故,Oracle SQL Developer 并没有让步。


如果您以 1 或 2 个大写字母开头,并且接下来的内容无关紧要,您应该这样做:

.* mean 1 or more character exept \n (nex line)

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