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如何通过 AWS CLI 更新 Amazon S3 存储桶策略?

[英]How to update an Amazon S3 Bucket Policy via the AWS CLI?

I have a requirement to add a new line "arn:aws:sts::1262767:assumed-role/EC2-support-services" to an Amazon S3 bucket policy.我需要向 Amazon S3 存储桶策略添加新行“arn:aws:sts::1262767:assumed-role/EC2-support-services”。

Something like this:像这样的东西:


    "Principal": {"AWS": ["arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root","arn:aws:iam::444455556666:root"]},
     "StringNotLike": {
        "aws:arn": [


    "Principal": {"AWS": ["arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root","arn:aws:iam::444455556666:root"]},
     "StringNotLike": {
        "aws:arn": [

What is the AWS CLI command I need to use to add this line?我需要使用什么 AWS CLI 命令来添加此行?

To do this you would need to override the existing bucket policy using the put-bucket-policy command as there is no versioning.为此,您需要使用put-bucket-policy命令覆盖现有存储桶策略,因为没有版本控制。

An example of running this would be the below command运行它的一个例子是下面的命令

aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket MyBucket --policy file://policy.json

By storing the current and new policies as JSON files you can switch between the commands if you need to rollback by updating the filename in the --policy argument.通过将当前和新策略存储为 JSON 文件,如果您需要通过更新--policy参数中的文件名来回滚,您可以在命令之间切换。

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