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完成后如何使用 AVQueuePlayer 循环播放视频

[英]How to loop videos with AVQueuePlayer after it completes

I have an array of URLs that I then turn into an array of AVPlayerItems and use AVQueuePlayer to loop through the videos- usually 1-7 videos at a time.我有一组 URL,然后我将其转换为一组 AVPlayerItems 并使用 AVQueuePlayer 循环播放视频 - 通常一次 1-7 个视频。 However when it stops I am not sure how to start it again to play the same array of videos until the user switches to a different view controller.但是,当它停止时,我不确定如何再次启动它以播放相同的视频数组,直到用户切换到不同的视图控制器。

in viewDidLoad this creates the array of playerItems 
    //creates playerItems to play videos in a queue
       postURLs?.forEach{(url) in
           let asset = AVAsset(url: url)
           let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)

   public func playVideo() {
           player = AVQueuePlayer(items: playerItems)
           player.seek(to: CMTime.init(value: 0, timescale: 1))
           playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player:player)
           playerLayer.frame = self.lifieView.frame
           //restart video maybe? Tested but did not work - hits function 
               forName: .AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime,
               object: nil,
               queue: nil) { [weak self] _ in self?.restart2() }

//this is test function to restart (works with AVPlayer with single video)
private func restart2(){
    player.seek(to: CMTime.zero)

I got it working after much research and testing.经过大量研究和测试,我让它工作了。 What I did was change the restart function to first remove all items from the player, then go through the array of playerItems and add them back into the queue- then have the player start back at the beginning.我所做的是将重新启动功能更改为首先从播放器中删除所有项目,然后遍历 playerItems 数组并将它们添加回队列 - 然后让播放器从头开始。

func restartPlayer(){
            player.insert($0, after:nil)
        player.seek(to: .zero)

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