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ElectronNET 生成 32 位 exe 或其他带有 dot net core 项目的自定义版本

[英]ElectronNET generate 32 bit exe or other custom versions with dot net core project

Electronize build a exe with target 32bit windows Electronize 用目标 32 位窗口构建一个 exe

When running the default code found on the official documentation electronize build /target custom win7-x86;win32 /electron-arch ia32 simply fails to run, gives some console error.运行官方文档中的默认代码时electronize build /target custom win7-x86;win32 /electron-arch ia32根本无法运行,给出一些控制台错误。

Build Electron Application... electronize.exe : Unhandled exception.构建电子应用程序...electronize.exe:未处理的异常。 System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. System.AggregateException:发生一个或多个错误。 (Index was outside the bounds of the array.) At line:1 char:1 (索引超出数组范围。)在 line:1 char:1

  • electronize.exe build /target custom win-x86;win /dotnet-configuratio ... electronize.exe build /target custom win-x86;win /dotnet-configuratio ...


You can combine these methods to generate your target output type您可以结合使用这些方法来生成目标输出类型

Run this command electronize build /custom... More info This give you details regarding the options available.运行此命令electronize build /custom... 更多信息这将提供有关可用选项的详细信息。

For 32bit windows对于 32 位窗口

electronize.exe build /target custom "win-x86;win" /dotnet-configuration Debug /electron-arch ia32

The double quotes "win-x86;win" is the most important part.双引号 "win-x86;win" 是最重要的部分。 In the official documentation, it is not there, so it will fail in package manager console在官方文档中,它不存在,所以它会在包管理器控制台中失败

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