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在 .cpp 文件中定义静态类成员时的未定义引用错误

[英]undefined reference error for static class member when it is defined in .cpp file

This question may seem similar to other "undefined reference error when accessing static class member" questions.这个问题可能看起来类似于其他“访问静态类成员时未定义的引用错误”问题。 I have explored them and what I understood is I need to define the static class member separately in a source file, so that an object is created for the static class member that holds data.我已经探索了它们,我的理解是我需要在源文件中单独定义静态类成员,以便为保存数据的静态类成员创建一个对象。

My problem is that I am following definition rules but still get the undefined reference errors.我的问题是我遵循定义规则,但仍然得到未定义的引用错误。

problem can be reproduced using this code:可以使用以下代码重现问题:


#include <iostream>

#include "src/a.hpp"

int main() {
    std::cout << a::x;
    return 0;


class a {
    static int x;


#include "a.hpp"

int a::x = 20;

I compile main.cpp using g++ main.cpp -o main .我使用g++ main.cpp -o main编译main.cpp I have a test directory that has main.cpp and a sub directory src , src contains a.hpp and a.cpp .我有一个包含main.cpp和子目录srctest目录, src包含a.hppa.cpp

The error resolves if i define the static variable within the header file, but other posts suggest it should lead to linker errors.如果我在头文件中定义静态变量,错误就会解决,但其他帖子建议它应该导致链接器错误。

The problem was in the compile command I used, g++ main.cpp -o main does not compile src/a.cpp.问题出在我使用的编译命令中, g++ main.cpp -o main不编译 src/a.cpp。 Compile it with g++ main.cpp src/a.cpp -o main and it works fine.g++ main.cpp src/a.cpp -o main编译它,它工作正常。

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