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[英]Traefik: Load balance internal service without exposing it outside

Currently, I have a frontend , backend , and tf-serving service.目前,我有frontendbackendtf-serving服务。 My current configuration exposes both frontend and backend services outside.我当前的配置对外公开了frontendbackend服务。

The service tf-serving , however, is an internal service only used by the backend service.然而,服务tf-serving是一个仅供backend服务使用的内部服务。 They communicate using the gRPC API provided by TensorFlow Serving.它们使用 TensorFlow Serving 提供的 gRPC API 进行通信。

Would it be possible for tf-serving to be load balanced too such that when I call it from the backend service, Traefik will load balance it for me? tf-serving是否也可以进行负载平衡,以便当我从backend服务调用它时,Traefik 会为我进行负载平衡?

Yes, it is possible.对的,这是可能的。 A better approach however, is to connect tf-serving service to the same network as your backend service (or create a separate network just for the two of them) and connect to it directly from backend using container name dns resolving.然而,更好的方法是将 tf-serving 服务连接到与您的后端服务相同的网络(或仅为它们两个创建一个单独的网络),并使用容器名称 dns 解析直接从后端连接到它。

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