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[英]How to integrate Jenkins and Nexus (without maven)

jenkins and nexus are installed in docker containers on the same machine. jenkins 和 nexus 安装在同一台机器上的 docker 容器中。 All guides describe how to do the integration using the maven.所有指南都描述了如何使用 Maven 进行集成。 But what if I just need to upload files from Jenkins to Nexus?但是如果我只需要从 Jenkins 上传文件到 Nexus 呢? I know that this can be done through a plugin "Nexus Artifact Uploader", but I don't understand exactly how我知道这可以通过插件“Nexus Artifact Uploader”来完成,但我不明白到底是怎么做的

In Nexus Artifact Uploader , you need to fill up the following details:Nexus Artifact Uploader ,您需要填写以下详细信息:

Note: Below are the sample example data and the pre-requisite is to have a repository created in nexus.注意:以下是示例数据,先决条件是在 nexus 中创建存储库。

  • Nexus Version: NEXUS3 (Type of Nexus Repository Manager ex. NEXUS2 or NEXUS3) Nexus 版本: NEXUS3(Nexus 存储库管理器类型,例如 NEXUS2 或 NEXUS3)
  • Protocol: HTTP (Protocol used for Nexus setup ex. HTTP or HTTPS)协议: HTTP(用于 Nexus 设置的协议,例如 HTTP 或 HTTPS)
  • Nexus URL: localhost:8081 (URL of Nexus) Nexus URL: localhost:8081 (Nexus 的 URL)
  • Credentials: nexus-admin (credentials used to access nexus)凭据: nexus-admin(用于访问 nexus 的凭据)
  • GroupId: portal (unique base name of the company or group that created the project) GroupId:门户(创建项目的公司或组的唯一基本名称)
  • Version: 1.0 (version of the project)版本: 1.0(项目版本)
  • Repository: maven-releases (name of the repository where you want to upload the artifacts)存储库: maven-releases(要上传工件的存储库的名称)
  • ArtifactId: web-portal (a unique name of the project) ArtifactId:网络门户(项目的唯一名称)
  • Type: tar.gz (type of artifact packaging like zip, tar, war, jar etc)类型: tar.gz(工件包装类型,如 zip、tar、war、jar 等)
  • File: web-portal.tar.gz (File path in the workspace. ex: artifact.zip or artifact.jar)文件: web-portal.tar.gz(工作区中的文件路径。例如:artifact.zip 或 artifact.jar)

Find the screenshot as well:也找到截图:


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