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使用 rspec 在 Rails 中没有真实文件的情况下无法使用使用 CarrierWave 的模型

[英]Can't use a model using CarrierWave without a real file in Rails using rspec

I'm trying to run a test using a model, but I'm trying not to have to use a file for real here.我正在尝试使用模型运行测试,但我试图不必在这里使用真实的文件。

My use case is in rspec I try to create that object with a property handled by CarrierWave using FactoryBot, but I don't know what to pass to my icon property except a real file.我的用例是在 rspec 中,我尝试使用由 CarrierWave 使用 FactoryBot 处理的属性创建该对象,但除了真实文件之外,我不知道将什么传递给我的icon属性。

My model is like this:我的模型是这样的:

class MyItem < ApplicationRecord
  validates :icon, presence: true

  mount_uploader :icon, MyIconUploader

Using FactoryBot, when I try to run create I have this error:使用 FactoryBot,当我尝试运行create出现此错误:

       Validation failed: Icon can't be blank

Only thing that works seems to be the following:唯一有效的似乎是以下内容:

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :item, class: 'MyItem' do
    icon { Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'assets', 'images', 'image.jpg')) }

Giving it a file from memory would also work for me, as long as it is not a physical one.只要它不是物理文件,从内存中给它一个文件也适用于我。

You can use StringIO class for that.您可以StringIO使用StringIO类。 Since CarrierWave also expects a filename on the given IO object, you would also need to subclass StringIO to something like this:由于 CarrierWave 还需要给定 IO 对象上的文件名,因此您还需要将StringIO子类StringIO以下内容:

class StringIOWithName < StringIO
  def initialize(stream, filename)
    @original_filename = filename

  attr_reader :original_filename

Then you can give an instance of StringIOWithName to Carrierwave.然后你可以给StringIOWithName一个StringIOWithName的实例。

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